[Xen-API] Need help with the C binding for local session creation
I am using the Xen Server C SDK to develop a application that will run on Xen
Server host machine itself. I understand from the explanation given by Goncalo
Gomes that C SDK does not allow connection to Unix Domain Socket (
/var/xapi/xapi) only TCP/IP connections are supported which require as username
/ password.
Can somebody guide me what all needs to be implemented to make sure I am able
to connect to the unix domain socket and also that my Xen SDK calls like
xen_host_get_record , xen_vm_get_record continue to work.
I think we need to write code to send and receive XMLHTTP messages in the
‘call_func’ function which we pass to the ‘xen_session_login_with_password’
function. Wrote the code in my ‘call_func’ function but I think something is
missing in that code as all I get is a crash.. Signal 11..
Any guidelines , pointers , working sample code are welcome.
Warm Regards
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