# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1264696398 0
# Node ID 788a15f7eb8618501b754ffdf789c68b24ed40b0
# Parent 22cd3f304b9e0818b80ac5a40e6d4c6438c5e58a
Temporarily revert c/s 594:41501bb83b18 (session caching stuff)
diff -r 22cd3f304b9e -r 788a15f7eb86 ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml Thu Jan 21 15:45:09 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml Thu Jan 28 16:33:18 2010 +0000
@@ -205,15 +205,11 @@
let timeout_sessions ~__context =
let all_sessions = Db.Session.get_internal_records_where ~__context
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
- let external_sessions = List.filter (fun (_, y) -> not
y.Db_actions.session_pool) all_sessions in
- let unused_sessions = List.filter
- (fun (_, y) -> List.for_all (fun t -> Db.Task.get_status ~__context
~self:t <> `Pending) y.Db_actions.session_tasks
- ) external_sessions in
(* Only keep a list of (ref, last_active, uuid) *)
- let unused_sessions = List.map (fun (x, y) -> x, Date.to_float
y.Db_actions.session_last_active, y.Db_actions.session_uuid) unused_sessions in
+ let all_sessions = List.map (fun (x, y) -> x, Date.to_float
y.Db_actions.session_last_active, y.Db_actions.session_uuid) all_sessions in
(* Definitely invalidate sessions last used long ago *)
let threshold_time = Unix.time () -. Xapi_globs.inactive_session_timeout in
- let young, old = List.partition (fun (_, y, _) -> y > threshold_time)
unused_sessions in
+ let young, old = List.partition (fun (_, y, _) -> y > threshold_time)
all_sessions in
(* If there are too many young sessions then we need to delete the oldest *)
let lucky, unlucky =
if List.length young <= Xapi_globs.max_sessions
@@ -229,8 +225,7 @@
) sessions in
(* Only the 'lucky' survive: the 'old' and 'unlucky' are destroyed *)
if unlucky <> []
- then debug "Number of unused sessions in database (%d/%d) exceeds limit
(%d): will delete the oldest"
- (List.length unused_sessions) (List.length all_sessions)
+ then debug "Number of sessions in database (%d) exceeds limit (%d): will
delete the oldest" (List.length all_sessions) Xapi_globs.max_sessions;
cancel "Timed out session because of its age" old;
cancel "Timed out session because max number of sessions was exceeded"
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml | 11 +++--------
Description: Text Data
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