# HG changeset patch
# User Andrew Peace <andrew.peace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1263752616 0
# Node ID 8a6800752019e014066447b14c984d0077de7f0f
# Parent b47a71895e80488da8797885935aec12921a246d
[CP-1540] [CR-67] Remove P2V server components.
Signed-off by: Andrew Peace <Andrew.Peace@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r b47a71895e80 -r 8a6800752019 OMakefile
--- a/OMakefile Sun Jan 17 16:50:08 2010 +0000
+++ b/OMakefile Sun Jan 17 18:23:36 2010 +0000
@@ -117,8 +117,6 @@
ocaml/xsrpc/xsrpc \
ocaml/xsrpc/xsrpcd-util \
ocaml/guest/agent \
- ocaml/p2v/p2v \
- ocaml/p2v/closeandexec_static \
ocaml/license/v6testd \
diff -r b47a71895e80 -r 8a6800752019 mk/Makefile
--- a/mk/Makefile Sun Jan 17 16:50:08 2010 +0000
+++ b/mk/Makefile Sun Jan 17 18:23:36 2010 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
@@ -79,10 +78,6 @@
install -m 644 -o root -g root $(REPO)/ocaml/idl/dm_api.cmi
install -m 644 -o root -g root $(REPO)/ocaml/idl/api_messages.cmi
- mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_P2V_DIR)
- install -m 755 -o root -g root $(REPO)/ocaml/p2v/p2v
- install -m 755 -o root -g root $(REPO)/ocaml/p2v/closeandexec_static
$(RPM_SOURCESDIR)/xe: $(REPO)/ocaml/xe-cli/xe
mkdir -p $(RPM_SOURCESDIR)
cp $< $@
@@ -102,5 +97,5 @@
.PHONY: clean
$(MAKE) -C $(REPO) clean
diff -r b47a71895e80 -r 8a6800752019 ocaml/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/OMakefile Sun Jan 17 16:50:08 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/OMakefile Sun Jan 17 18:23:36 2010 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
auth \
events \
in_guest_install \
- p2v \
graph \
license \
rfb \
diff -r b47a71895e80 -r 8a6800752019 ocaml/p2v/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/p2v/OMakefile Sun Jan 17 16:50:08 2010 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-OCAML_LIBS = ../util/version ../idl/ocaml_backend/common
-OCAMLINCLUDES = ../idl/ocaml_backend ../idl ../autogen ../xapi
-OCAMLPACKS = xml-light2 stdext stunnel http-svr log xs close-and-exec
-OCAMLFLAGS += -dtypes -warn-error F -cclib -static -cclib -lpthread -g
- OCAMLFLAGS += -cclib -static
- OCamlProgram(closeandexec_static, closeandexec_static)
-.PHONY: clean
- rm -f $(CLEAN_OBJS)
diff -r b47a71895e80 -r 8a6800752019 ocaml/p2v/closeandexec_static.ml
--- a/ocaml/p2v/closeandexec_static.ml Sun Jan 17 16:50:08 2010 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
-include Closeandexec
diff -r b47a71895e80 -r 8a6800752019 ocaml/p2v/p2v.ml
--- a/ocaml/p2v/p2v.ml Sun Jan 17 16:50:08 2010 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
- ***)
-open Pervasiveext
-open Stringext
-open Client
-open Opt
-open Unixext
-module D = Debug.Debugger(struct let name = "p2v" end)
-open D
-let listen_addr = Unix.ADDR_INET(Unix.inet_addr_of_string "", 81)
-let assert_dir path mode =
- if not (Sys.file_exists path) then Unix.mkdir path mode
-type fs_metadata = { mounted_at : string }
-type fs_metadata_hashtbl = (string, fs_metadata) Hashtbl.t
-let new_fs_metadata mntpoint = { mounted_at = mntpoint }
-let fs_metadata : fs_metadata_hashtbl = Hashtbl.create 10
-(* running external commands/utility functions *)
-exception SynchronousCommandError of Unix.process_status
-let run_sync command =
- debug "Executing %s" command;
- match Unix.system command with
- | Unix.WEXITED(x) -> x
- | x -> raise (SynchronousCommandError x)
-let run_checked_sync command =
- match run_sync command with
- | 0 -> ()
- | n -> raise (SynchronousCommandError (Unix.WEXITED n))
-let unix_really_write oc s = Unix.write oc s 0 (String.length s)
-module FsTab = struct
- type entry = { volume : string;
- mntpoint : string;
- fstype : string;
- options : string list;
- dump : int; pass : int }
- type t = entry list
- let new_fstab_entry volume mntpoint fstype options dump pass =
- { volume=volume; mntpoint=mntpoint; fstype=fstype;
- options=options; dump=dump; pass=pass }
- let entry_of_metadata volume metadata =
- new_fstab_entry volume metadata.mounted_at "ext3" ["defaults"] 0 0
- let entry_of_string line =
- let line = String.strip String.isspace (
- if String.contains line '#' then
- String.sub line 0 (String.index line '#')
- else
- line
- ) in
- let parts = String.split_f String.isspace line in
- match parts with
- | [ volume; mntpoint; fstype; options; dump; pass ] ->
- let options = String.split ',' options in
- let dump = int_of_string dump in
- let pass = int_of_string pass in
- new_fstab_entry volume mntpoint fstype options dump pass
- | _ -> failwith ("malformed fstab entry "^line)
- let read filename =
- let fd = open_in filename in
- let rec _read () =
- try
- let line = input_line fd in
- let line = String.strip String.isspace line in
- if String.startswith "#" line then
- _read ()
- else
- (entry_of_string line)::(_read ())
- with
- | End_of_file -> []
- in
- finally _read (fun () -> close_in fd)
- let string_of_entry e =
- let options = String.concat "," e.options in
- Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s %s %d %d" e.volume e.mntpoint e.fstype
options e.dump e.pass
- let is_local e =
- String.startswith "/dev" e.volume || String.startswith "LABEL="
- let filter fn es = List.filter fn es
- let update original updates =
- let select e =
- let selected = ref e in
- List.iter (fun e2 -> if e2.mntpoint = e.mntpoint then selected :=
e2 else ()) updates;
- !selected
- in
- let mapped = List.map select original in
- (* add new entries: *)
- let exists l mntpoint =
- List.fold_left (fun x e -> x || (e.mntpoint = mntpoint)) false l in
- let new_entries = filter (fun x -> not (exists original x.mntpoint))
updates in
- mapped @ new_entries
-(* XXX copied from xapi/helpers.ml: should move to util *)
-let get_process_output ?(handler=(fun _ _ -> failwith "internal error")) cmd :
string =
- let inchan = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
- let buffer = Buffer.create 1024
- and buf = String.make 1024 '\000' in
- let rec read_until_eof () =
- let rd = input inchan buf 0 1024 in
- if rd = 0 then
- ()
- else begin
- Buffer.add_substring buffer buf 0 rd;
- read_until_eof ()
- end
- in
- (* Make sure an exception doesn't prevent us from waiting for the child
process *)
- read_until_eof ();
- match Unix.close_process_in inchan with
- | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> Buffer.contents buffer
- | x -> raise (SynchronousCommandError x)
-module RuntimeEnv = struct
- exception AdminInterfaceError
- exception ErrorFindingIP
- exception ErrorFindingDefaultGateway
- let get_iface_ip iface =
- let ifconfig = get_process_output ("/sbin/ifconfig " ^ iface) in
- let lines = String.split '\n' ifconfig in
- let ip_substr x =
- let plain = String.strip String.isspace x in
- let fst = String.index plain ':' + 1 in
- let len = (String.index_from plain fst ' ') - fst in
- String.sub plain fst len in
- match List.filter (fun x ->String.has_substr x "inet addr:") lines with
- | [ip] -> ip_substr ip
- | _ -> raise ErrorFindingIP
- let get_gateway_ip () = (* router ip from xapi_udhcpd.write_config *)
- let route = get_process_output ("/sbin/route") in
- debug "output of /sbin/route: %s" route;
- let lines = String.split '\n' route in
- let ip_substr x =
- let x = String.sub_to_end x (String.length "default") in
- let plain = String.strip String.isspace x in
- let fst = 0 in
- let len = (String.index_from plain fst ' ') - fst in
- String.sub plain fst len in
- match List.filter (fun x ->String.has_substr x "default") lines with
- | [ip] -> ip_substr ip
- | _ -> raise ErrorFindingDefaultGateway
- let configure_networking () =
- run_checked_sync "dhclient eth0";
- (* write our IP address to the guest-metrics field so that the client
- knows how to connect to us. *)
- let x = get_iface_ip "eth0" in
- debug "got ip: %s; writing to guest-metrics" x;
- let gw = get_gateway_ip () in
- debug "got gateway to Dom0: %s; writing to guest-metrics" gw;
- let xs = Xs.domain_open () in
- finally
- (fun () -> (* signal p2v client via VM-guest-metrics.get_networks *)
- (* guest-metrics needs the pv driver version numbers and
data/updated key *)
- xs.Xs.write "attr" "";
- xs.Xs.write "attr/PVAddons" "";
- xs.Xs.write "attr/PVAddons/MajorVersion" "5";
- xs.Xs.write "attr/PVAddons/MinorVersion" "5";
- xs.Xs.write "attr/PVAddons/MicroVersion" "8";
- (* reporting IP address to any VM-guest-metrics.get_networks
callers *)
- xs.Xs.write "attr/eth0" "";
- xs.Xs.write "attr/eth0/ip" gw;
- xs.Xs.write "data/updated" "1";
- )
- (fun () -> Xs.close xs)
-module Compression = struct
- type compression = Uncompressed | Gzip | Bzip2
- let of_string = function
- | "uncompressed" -> Uncompressed
- | "gzip" -> Gzip
- | "bzip2" -> Bzip2
- | _ -> failwith "Unknown compression type"
- let tar_parameter_of = function
- | Uncompressed -> ""
- | Gzip -> "z"
- | Bzip2 -> "j"
-module Filesystem = struct
- type filesystem = Ext3 | Swap
- let make volume fs fsopts =
- let creation_tool = match fs with
- | Ext3 -> "mkfs.ext3"
- | Swap -> "mkswap" in
- let device = Printf.sprintf "/dev/%s" volume in
- let optstring = match fsopts with
- | None -> ""
- | Some x -> "-O "^x
- in
- run_checked_sync (Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" creation_tool optstring
- let of_string = function
- | "ext3" -> Ext3
- | "swap" -> Swap
- | _ -> failwith "Unknown filesystem type"
- let string_of = function
- | Ext3 -> "ext3"
- | Swap -> "swap"
-(** wait for a file to appear. Useful for waiting on devices appearing in
- /sys/block. *)
-let rec wait_on_file fname = function
- | 0 -> raise Not_found
- | tries ->
- if Sys.file_exists fname then
- ()
- else begin
- Unix.sleep 1; wait_on_file fname (tries - 1)
- end
-let umount mntpoint =
- run_checked_sync ("umount " ^ mntpoint)
-(* Mounting and unmounting devices: *)
-type mount_action = { options : string list;
- fstype : string option;
- mntpoint : string option;
- src : string }
-let new_mount_action ?options ?fstype ?mntpoint src =
- let options = match options with
- | None -> []
- | Some x -> x in
- { options = options ; fstype = fstype ; mntpoint = mntpoint;
- src = src }
-let mount action =
- let mkname prefix =
- (* make unique mountpoints *)
- let i = ref 1 in
- let _mkname x = prefix ^ "-" ^ (string_of_int x) in
- let () =
- while Sys.file_exists (_mkname !i) do
- i := !i + 1
- done
- in _mkname !i
- in
- let optionstring =
- if action.options = [] then "" else "-o " ^ (String.concat ","
action.options) in
- let fstype_string = match action.fstype with
- | None -> ""
- | Some fstype -> "-t " ^ fstype in
- let mntpoint = match action.mntpoint with
- | None ->
- let name = mkname "/tmp/withmnt" in
- let () = assert_dir name 0o700 in
- name
- | Some x -> x
- in
- let mountcmd =
- Printf.sprintf "mount %s %s %s %s" fstype_string optionstring
action.src mntpoint in
- debug "mount: about to execute %s" mountcmd;
- ignore (run_checked_sync mountcmd);
- mntpoint
-let with_mounted actions fn =
- let rec _with_mounted actions mountpoints fn =
- let cleanup x actual_mount () =
- let mntpoint = unbox actual_mount.mntpoint in
- umount mntpoint;
- if x.mntpoint = None then Unix.rmdir mntpoint
- in
- match actions with
- | [] ->
- fn mountpoints
- | x::xs ->
- let actual_mount = { x with mntpoint = Some (mount x) } in
- finally (fun () -> _with_mounted xs
(actual_mount::mountpoints) fn) (cleanup x actual_mount)
- in
- _with_mounted actions [] fn
-let with_single_mount action fn =
- let call a =
- match a with
- | [x] -> fn (unbox x.mntpoint)
- | _ -> failwith "mount gave unexpected return value for
- in
- with_mounted [ action ] call
-(** Get an argument from an association list, writing out appropriate HTTP
- error codes, with a useful body, and raising an appropriate exception *)
-let optional_arg query arg =
- try
- Some (List.assoc arg query)
- with
- Not_found -> None
-let select_arg bio query arg =
- try
- List.assoc arg query
- with
- Not_found as e -> begin
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_500_internal_error);
- error "HTTP 500: An error occurred: a required parameter '%s' was
not present in the RPC - aborting. This is likely a bug in your P2V client."
- let msg = Printf.sprintf "\r\nRequired parameter '%s' was not
present.\r\n" arg in
- ignore (unix_really_write s msg);
- raise e
- end
-let exn_to_http sock fn =
- try fn ()
- with
- | Api_errors.Server_error(code, params) as e -> begin
- debug "exn_to_http: API Error:%s %s" (Api_errors.to_string e)
(Printexc.to_string e);
- Http.output_http sock Http.http_500_internal_error;
- ignore (unix_really_write sock ("\r\nAPI Error:
"^Api_errors.to_string e))
- end
- | Failure e -> begin
- debug "exn_to_http: Failure: %s" e;
- Http.output_http sock Http.http_500_internal_error;
- ignore (unix_really_write sock ("\r\nServer error: "^e))
- end
- | exn -> begin
- debug "exn_to_http: general: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn);
- Http.output_http sock Http.http_500_internal_error;
- end
-let get_client_context_of_req req bio =
- let session_id = Ref.of_string (select_arg bio req.Http.query "session_id")
- let host = (select_arg bio req.Http.query "host") in
- let port = int_of_string (select_arg bio req.Http.query "port") in
- let this_vm = Ref.of_string (select_arg bio req.Http.query "vm_id") in
- let rpc xml = Xmlrpcclient.do_secure_xml_rpc ~host ~version:"1.1" ~port
~path:"/" xml in
- (session_id,host,port,this_vm,rpc)
-(** Create a disk with numbered ID exposed over HTTP: add to ID -> VBD map;
- create a vbd for the vdi and attach the disk locally. *)
-let make_disk volume sr size bootable session_id rpc this_vm =
- let vmuuid = Client.VM.get_uuid ~rpc ~session_id ~self:this_vm in
- let vdi = Client.VDI.create ~rpc ~session_id ~sR:sr
- ~name_label:"Automatically created." ~name_description:""
- ~sharable:false ~read_only:false ~other_config:[] ~virtual_size:size
- ~_type:`system ~sm_config:[ Xapi_globs._sm_vm_hint, vmuuid ]
~xenstore_data:[] ~tags:[] in
- let vbd = Client.VBD.create ~rpc ~session_id ~vM:this_vm ~vDI:vdi
- ~bootable ~mode:`RW ~_type:`Disk ~unpluggable:true
- ~qos_algorithm_params:[] ~userdevice:volume ~empty:false
- ~other_config:["owner", ""] in
- (* plug the disk in *)
- Client.VBD.plug ~rpc ~session_id ~self:vbd;
- try
- let sys_path = "/dev/" ^ volume in
- wait_on_file sys_path 10
- with
- Not_found -> failwith "Device did not appear in /sys/block"
-(** HTTP callback for make-disk *)
-let make_disk_callback req bio =
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- exn_to_http s (fun () ->
- let volume = select_arg bio req.Http.query "volume"
- and size = Int64.of_string (select_arg bio
req.Http.query "size")
- and bootable = select_arg bio req.Http.query "bootable"
= "true"
- and (session_id,host,port,this_vm,rpc) =
get_client_context_of_req req bio
- and sr_uuid = select_arg bio req.Http.query "sr" in
- let sr = Client.SR.get_by_uuid ~rpc ~session_id ~uuid:sr_uuid in
- make_disk volume sr size bootable session_id rpc this_vm;
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
- )
-(** Partition a disk according to a list of sizes. Only deals with
- primary partitions. Assumes -1 means use rest of disk. Assumes
- the disk has already been made with make_disk. *)
-let partition_disk volume partition_sizes =
- let device_node = Printf.sprintf "/dev/%s" volume in
- let fd = Unix.open_process_out ("/sbin/fdisk " ^ device_node) in
- (* write partitions: *)
- let count n =
- let rec _count n m = if m <= n then m::(_count n (m + 1)) else [] in
- _count n 1
- in
- let mkpart part_num size =
- let len = if size = -1 then "" else "+" ^ (string_of_int size) ^ "M" in
- begin
- output_string fd "n\n"; flush fd; (* new partition *)
- output_string fd "p\n"; flush fd; (* primary *)
- output_string fd ((string_of_int (part_num)) ^ "\n"); flush fd; (*
number *)
- output_string fd "\n"; flush fd; (* defualt start cyl *)
- output_string fd (len ^ "\n"); flush fd (* size *)
- end
- in
- List.iter2 mkpart (count (List.length partition_sizes)) partition_sizes;
- (* save changes *)
- output_string fd "w\n"; flush fd;
- (* check exit code *)
- let () =
- match (Unix.close_process_out fd) with
- | Unix.WEXITED(0) -> ()
- | _ -> failwith "Partitioning failed."
- in ()
-let partition_disk_callback req bio =
- let rec shorten l = match l with
- | [] -> []
- | None::_ -> []
- | (Some x)::xs -> x::(shorten xs) in
- let volume = select_arg bio req.Http.query "volume"
- and parts = List.map int_of_string (shorten (List.map (optional_arg
req.Http.query) [ "part1"; "part2"; "part3"; "part4" ])) in
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- exn_to_http s (fun () ->
- partition_disk volume parts;
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
- )
-let mkfs_callback req bio =
- let volume = select_arg bio req.Http.query "volume"
- and fs = Filesystem.of_string (select_arg bio req.Http.query "fs") in
- let fsopts = optional_arg req.Http.query "fsopts" in
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- exn_to_http s (fun () ->
- Filesystem.make volume fs fsopts;
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
- )
-(** Unpack a tar-file from stdin to a volume *)
-let unpack_tar volume compression data_iter (src:Http_svr.Chunked.t) =
- let compression_string = Compression.tar_parameter_of compression in
- let _unpack_tar mntpoint =
- let tar = Unix.open_process_out (Printf.sprintf "tar -SC %s -x%sf -"
mntpoint compression_string) in
- finally (fun () -> data_iter (output_string tar) src) (fun () ->
ignore (Unix.close_process_out tar)) in
- with_single_mount (new_mount_action ("/dev/" ^ volume)) _unpack_tar
-let tar_callback req bio =
- (* parse args *)
- let volume = select_arg bio req.Http.query "volume"
- and compression = Compression.of_string (select_arg bio req.Http.query
"compression") in
- (* process incoming tarfile *)
- let blksize = 1024 * 1024 in
- let data_iter fn chunks =
- let data = ref (Http_svr.Chunked.read chunks blksize) in
- while !data <> "" do
- fn !data; data := Http_svr.Chunked.read chunks blksize
- done
- in
- let chunks = Http_svr.Chunked.of_bufio bio in
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- exn_to_http s (fun () ->
- unpack_tar volume compression data_iter chunks;
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
- )
-let print_callback req bio =
- let chunks = Http_svr.Chunked.of_bufio bio in
- let data = ref (Http_svr.Chunked.read chunks 1024) in
- while !data <> "" do
- Printf.printf "data: %s\n %!" !data; data := Http_svr.Chunked.read
chunks 1024
- done;
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
-let set_fs_metadata volume md =
- Hashtbl.replace fs_metadata volume md
-let set_fs_metadata_callback req bio =
- let volume = select_arg bio req.Http.query "volume" in
- let mntpoint = select_arg bio req.Http.query "mntpoint" in
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- exn_to_http s (fun () ->
- set_fs_metadata volume (new_fs_metadata mntpoint);
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
- )
-(** Update fstab based on the metadata supplied via set_fs_metadata *)
-let update_fstab root_vol =
- let _update_fstab mntpoint =
- (* work out new entries based on the filesystems we have received *)
- let new_local =
- let a = ref [] in
- Hashtbl.iter (fun v m -> a := (FsTab.entry_of_metadata ("/dev/"^v)
m)::!a) fs_metadata;
- !a
- in
- (* fix up fstab: *)
- let fstab_file = mntpoint ^ "/etc/fstab" in
- let log_fstab prefix f = List.iter (fun e -> debug "%s: fstab - %s"
prefix (FsTab.string_of_entry e)) f in
- let fstab = FsTab.read fstab_file in
- log_fstab "initial" fstab; let fstab = FsTab.filter (fun x -> not
(FsTab.is_local x)) fstab in
- log_fstab "filtered" fstab; let fstab = FsTab.update fstab new_local in
- log_fstab "updated" fstab;
- log_fstab "new local" new_local;
- let fd = open_out fstab_file in
- List.iter (fun e -> output_string fd ((FsTab.string_of_entry
e)^"\n")) fstab;
- close_out fd
- in
- with_single_mount (new_mount_action ("/dev/"^root_vol)) _update_fstab
-let update_fstab_callback req bio =
- let root_vol = select_arg bio req.Http.query "root-vol" in
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- exn_to_http s (fun () ->
- update_fstab root_vol;
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
- )
-(** Get the guest on the PV road *)
-(* find the index of a substring *)
-let strindex str searchstr =
- let rec strindex str searchstr pos =
- if str = "" then raise Not_found;
- if String.startswith searchstr str then
- pos
- else
- strindex (String.sub str 1 (String.length str - 1)) searchstr (pos
+ 1)
- in strindex str searchstr 0
-exception GrubConfigError
-let paravirtualise root_vol boot_merged session_id rpc this_vm =
- (* set bootloader params -- assume grub for now: *)
- Client.VM.set_PV_bootloader ~session_id ~rpc ~self:this_vm ~value:"pygrub";
- Client.VM.set_PV_kernel ~session_id ~rpc ~self:this_vm ~value:"";
- Client.VM.set_PV_ramdisk ~session_id ~rpc ~self:this_vm ~value:"";
- Client.VM.set_PV_args ~session_id ~rpc ~self:this_vm ~value:"";
- (* rewrite menu.lst or grub.conf so that it has the correct root= value
- in all kernel lines; this makes grubby work when we install a new
- kernel in the next stage. *)
- let update_grub_conf mntpoint =
- let grub_confs = [ "/boot/grub/menu.lst"; "/boot/grub/grub.conf" ] in
- let grub_conf =
- let rec select fn lst =
- match lst with
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | x::xs -> if (fn x) then x else (select fn xs)
- in select (fun x -> Sys.file_exists (mntpoint ^ x)) grub_confs
- in
- (* backup the file, then write out a new one: *)
- debug "Backing up grub.conf...";
- let gdc = Unix.openfile (mntpoint ^ grub_conf) [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0o644
- let gdc_bak = Unix.openfile (mntpoint ^ "/boot/grub/grub.conf.orig") [
Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_CREAT ] 0o644 in
- finally (fun () -> ignore (copy_file gdc gdc_bak)) (fun () ->
Unix.close gdc; Unix.close gdc_bak);
- debug "Backup complete";
- (* now write out a new one: here are the function to manipulate various
- aspects of the command line - we apply each in turn to the input
- lines to get a set of output lines: *)
- let tweak_root parts =
- let update_root s = if String.startswith "root=" s then
("root=/dev/"^root_vol) else s in
- match parts with
- | cmd::rest -> cmd::(List.map update_root rest)
- | x -> x
- in
- let remove_console parts =
- List.filter (fun part -> not (String.startswith "console=" part))
- in
- let update_boot parts =
- let insert_boot k =
- (* /vmlinuz -> /boot/vmlinuz; (hd0,0)/vmlinuz ->
(hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz *)
- let parts = String.split ~limit:2 '/' k in
- match parts with
- | [ disk; path ] -> (disk ^ "/boot/" ^ path)
- | _ -> raise GrubConfigError
- in
- if boot_merged then begin
- match parts with
- | command::file::rest as x ->
- if command = "kernel" || command = "module" || command
= "initrd" then
- command::(insert_boot file)::rest
- else x
- | x -> x
- end else parts
- in
- (* read in the existing file *)
- let lines =
- let gdc_bak = open_in (mntpoint ^ "/boot/grub/grub.conf.orig") in
- finally (fun () ->
- let lines = ref [] in
- let () = try
- while true do
- lines := (input_line gdc_bak)::!lines
- done
- with End_of_file -> lines := List.rev !lines
- in !lines
- ) (fun () -> close_in gdc_bak) in
- (* log what we read *)
- List.iter (fun x -> debug "GRUB: %s" x) lines;
- (* split " xxx" into " ", "xxx" *)
- let lstrip_save s =
- let rec _lstrip_save s w =
- let l = String.length s in
- if l > 0 then begin
- let first = String.get s 0 in
- if String.isspace first then
- _lstrip_save (String.sub s 1 (l - 1)) ((String.of_char
- else (w, s)
- end else (w, s)
- in
- _lstrip_save s ""
- in
- (* split " ", "x y z" into " ", ["x"; "y"; "z"] *)
- let split_lines =
- let split_command (w, str) = (w, String.split_f String.isspace
str) in
- List.map split_command (List.map lstrip_save lines)
- in
- (* now apply the tweaks: *)
- let tweak_line tweak_fun line =
- let is_comment (w, parts) =
- match parts with
- | x::xs -> String.startswith "#" x
- | _ -> false
- in
- if not (is_comment line) then
- let (w, parts) = line in
- (w, tweak_fun parts)
- else
- line
- in
- let new_lines = List.map (tweak_line tweak_root) split_lines in
- let new_lines = List.map (tweak_line remove_console) new_lines in
- let new_lines = List.map (tweak_line update_boot) new_lines in
- let gdc = open_out (mntpoint ^ grub_conf) in
- finally (fun () ->
- let remerged_lines = List.map (fun (w, parts) ->
- w^(String.concat " " parts)
- ) new_lines in
- List.iter (fun x -> debug "Update GRUB: %s" x) remerged_lines;
- List.iter (fun x -> output_string gdc (x^"\n")) remerged_lines
- ) (fun () -> close_out gdc)
- in
- with_single_mount (new_mount_action ("/dev/"^root_vol)) update_grub_conf;
- (* in-place P2V invocation: *)
- let inplace_p2v mntpoint =
- (* ensure /mnt exists in the target so we can mount the inplace-p2v
- iso. *)
- let iso_mount = mntpoint ^ "/mnt" in
- let p2v_scripts_mount = mntpoint ^ "/mnt2" in
- assert_dir iso_mount 0o766;
- assert_dir p2v_scripts_mount 0o766;
- (* function to invoke the in-place P2V script. *)
- let invoke actions =
- (* in the chroot /mnt is the data disk, /mnt2 is a tmpfs waiting
for the scripts,
- since for some reason, bind mounts don't work from the rootfs
here *)
- ignore (Unix.system (Printf.sprintf "cp -a
/opt/xensource/p2v/scripts/* %s/mnt2" mntpoint));
- ignore (Unix.system (Printf.sprintf "env EXTERNAL_P2V=Y chroot %s
mnt2/xen-setup -b /mnt/Linux" mntpoint));
- List.iter (fun x ->
- if Sys.file_exists (mntpoint^x) then Unix.unlink (mntpoint^x)
- ) [ "/xenkernel"; "/xeninitrd"; "/boot/xenkernel";
- in
- (* make up a mounts list. We have to optionally omit /sys if the
- directory doesn't exist in the target filesystem, e.g. on 2.4-based
- kernel like RHEL 3. Mount a tmpfs on p2v_scripts_mount to copy the
- P2V scripts into. This has to be done because for some reason bind
- mounts from the rootfs here don't work...! *)
- let mount_actions = [
- new_mount_action ~mntpoint:iso_mount "/dev/xvdp";
- new_mount_action ~mntpoint:p2v_scripts_mount ~fstype:"tmpfs"
- new_mount_action ~mntpoint:(mntpoint^"/proc") ~fstype:"proc"
- new_mount_action ~mntpoint:(mntpoint^"/dev") ~options:["bind"]
- ] in
- let mount_actions =
- if Sys.file_exists ("mntpoint"^"/sys") then
- (new_mount_action ~mntpoint:(mntpoint^"/sys") ~fstype:"sysfs"
- else
- mount_actions
- in
- let () = with_mounted mount_actions invoke in ()
- in
- let () = with_single_mount (new_mount_action ("/dev/"^root_vol))
inplace_p2v in ()
-let paravirtualise_callback req bio =
- let root_disk = select_arg bio req.Http.query "root-vol"
- and (session_id,host,port,this_vm,rpc) = get_client_context_of_req req bio
- and boot_merged = (select_arg bio req.Http.query "boot-merged") = "true" in
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio in
- try
- paravirtualise root_disk boot_merged session_id rpc this_vm;
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ())
- with
- | Failure e -> begin
- Http.output_http s Http.http_500_internal_error;
- ignore (unix_really_write s ("\r\nServer error: "^e))
- end
- | GrubConfigError -> begin
- Http.output_http s Http.http_500_internal_error;
- ignore (unix_really_write s "\r\nUnable to parse grub config.
Please check and correct it, then try again.")
- end
- | exn -> begin
- Http.output_http s Http.http_500_internal_error;
- ignore (unix_really_write s "\r\nInternal server error.")
- end
-let completed session_id rpc this_vm () =
- (* remove xvdp, the P2V server ISO: *)
- let vbds = Client.VM.get_VBDs ~rpc ~session_id ~self:this_vm in
- let is_xvdp x = (Client.VBD.get_device ~rpc ~session_id ~self:x = "xvdp")
- let () = match List.filter is_xvdp vbds with
- | xvdp::_ ->
- Client.VBD.unplug ~rpc ~session_id ~self:xvdp;
- Client.VBD.destroy ~rpc ~session_id ~self:xvdp
- | [] -> ()
- in
- (* halt *)
- run_checked_sync "halt"
-let completed_callback req bio =
- let s = Buf_io.fd_of bio
- and (session_id,host,port,this_vm,rpc) = get_client_context_of_req req bio
- Http.output_http s (Http.http_200_ok ());
- (* close the socket ehre since we won't get to the normal cleanup code *)
- Unix.close s;
- completed session_id rpc this_vm ()
-let _ =
- Stunnel.init_stunnel_path ();
- Logs.set "p2v" Log.Debug [ "stderr" ];
- Logs.set_default Log.Info [ "stderr" ];
- Logs.set_default Log.Warn [ "stderr" ];
- Logs.set_default Log.Error [ "stderr" ];
- debug "hello";
- RuntimeEnv.configure_networking ();
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Get "/make-disk" (Http_svr.BufIO
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Get "/partition-disk" (Http_svr.BufIO
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Get "/mkfs" (Http_svr.BufIO mkfs_callback);
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Put "/unpack-tar" (Http_svr.BufIO tar_callback);
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Get "/paravirtualise" (Http_svr.BufIO
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Get "/set-fs-metadata" (Http_svr.BufIO
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Get "/update-fstab" (Http_svr.BufIO
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Get "/completed" (Http_svr.BufIO
- Http_svr.add_handler Http.Put "/print" (Http_svr.BufIO print_callback);
- let inet_sock = Http_svr.bind listen_addr in
- let (_ : Http_svr.server) = Http_svr.start (inet_sock, "inet_rpc") in
- while (true) do Thread.delay 10000. done;
diff -r b47a71895e80 -r 8a6800752019 ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml Sun Jan 17 16:50:08 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml Sun Jan 17 18:23:36 2010 +0000
@@ -275,50 +275,6 @@
-(* The P2V server template *)
-(* Requires: the xs-tools.iso in the XenSource Tools SR *)
-let p2v_server_template rpc session_id =
- (* Find the server ISO *)
- match find_xs_tools_vdi rpc session_id with
- | None ->
- debug "Skipping P2V server template because the xs-tools.iso is missing"
- | Some iso ->
- begin match find_guest_installer_network rpc session_id with
- | None ->
- debug "Skipping P2V server template because guest installer network
- | Some net ->
- let vm = find_or_create_template
- { (blank_template (default_memory_parameters 256L)) with
- vM_name_label = "XenSource P2V Server";
- vM_name_description = "An internal utility template for use by
the XenSource P2V client";
- vM_other_config = [ Xapi_globs.grant_api_access, "internal";
- Xapi_globs.xensource_internal, "true";
- default_template
- ]
- } rpc session_id in
- let vbds = Client.VM.get_VBDs rpc session_id vm in
- (* make a table of userdevice -> VBD reference, to check whether each
VBD looks correct. *)
- let table = List.map (fun vbd -> Client.VBD.get_userdevice rpc
session_id vbd, vbd) vbds in
- (* Empty CD on userdevice '3' *)
- if not(List.mem_assoc "3" table) then begin
- ignore (Client.VBD.create ~rpc ~session_id ~vM:vm ~empty:true
~vDI:(Ref.of_string "cd") ~userdevice:"3" ~bootable:false ~mode:`RO ~_type:`CD
~unpluggable:true ~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[]
- end;
- (* Tools ISO on userdevice 'xvdp': it's either missing or pointing at
the wrong VDI *)
- let xvdp = "xvdp" in (* beware the deadly typo *)
- if false
- || not(List.mem_assoc xvdp table)
- || (Client.VBD.get_VDI rpc session_id (List.assoc xvdp table) <>
iso) then begin
- (* destroy the existing broken one *)
- if List.mem_assoc xvdp table then Client.VBD.destroy rpc
session_id (List.assoc xvdp table);
- ignore (Client.VBD.create ~rpc ~session_id ~vM:vm ~empty:false
~vDI:iso ~userdevice:xvdp ~bootable:true ~mode:`RO ~_type:`CD ~unpluggable:true
~qos_algorithm_type:"" ~qos_algorithm_params:[] ~other_config:[]);
- end;
- let vifs = Client.VM.get_VIFs rpc session_id vm in
- if vifs = []
- then ignore (Client.VIF.create ~rpc ~session_id ~device:"0"
~mAC:(Record_util.random_mac_local ()) ~vM:vm ~mTU:1500L ~qos_algorithm_type:""
~qos_algorithm_params:[] ~network:net ~other_config:[])
- end
(** Makes a Windows template using the given memory parameters in MiB, root
size in GiB, and version string. *)
let windows_template memory root_disk_size version =
@@ -499,5 +455,4 @@
(* The remaining template-creation functions determine whether they have the
necessary resources (ISOs, networks) or not: *)
debian_xgt_template rpc session_id "Debian Etch 4.0" "Etch"
"debian-etch.xgt" "debian-etch";
- p2v_server_template rpc session_id
Description: Text Data
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