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[Xen-API] [PATCH] [ocamldoc] Various minor tweaks

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] [ocamldoc] Various minor tweaks
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 15:59:28 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
[ocamldoc] Various minor tweaks

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 904e7c4da5e0 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore Tue Oct 13 12:49:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/.hgignore Wed Jan 13 15:57:11 2010 +0000
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
@@ -168,3 +169,5 @@
diff -r 904e7c4da5e0 ocaml/doc/example.mli
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/doc/example.mli     Wed Jan 13 15:57:11 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+(** A one-sentence description of the module.
+ *  @group Module-group Heading
+ *)
+(** Some more explanation about the module, its implementation
+ *  and purpose, and whatever else it useful to know.
+ *)
+(** {2 A Sub-heading Used to Group Various Functions} *)
+(** This is a description of the function [f], placed immediately above the 
function *)
+val f : 'a -> 'b
+(** This is a description of the function [g], placed immediately above the 
+ *  while leaving at least one empty line after the previous function. *)
+val g : int -> unit
+(** Besides functions, also other elements such as types and exceptions have 
+ *  Note that also the values of a type are given descriptions of their own. *)
+type t =
+       a : string;     (** [a] is a useful string *)
+       b : int;        (** [b] is an awesome number *)
+(** A variant type *)
+type q =
+| Test of int * string (** Testing *)
+| AnotherTest                  (** More testing *)
+(** {2 Another heading} *)
+ Additional comments, not associated to any element can be inserted anywhere.
+ This gives me the oppotunity to introduce some fancy formatting options, such 
+ - a bulleted list
+ - of items
+ Or a numbered list:
+ + like
+ + this
+ Text can be formatted as [source code], {i in italics}, {b in bold face}, and
+ links to a function such as {!Module.function} can be used.
+ {3 Lower-level heading}
+ Additional formatting options are listed in the OCamlDoc manual:
+ http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/manual029.html.
+(** The order of all functions, comments, etc. in an mli file is maintained in
+ *  the documentation. So this exception will appear at the end of the page.
+ *)
+exception ThisWentTerriblyWrong of string
diff -r 904e7c4da5e0 ocaml/doc/ocamldoc.js
--- a/ocaml/doc/ocamldoc.js     Tue Oct 13 12:49:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/doc/ocamldoc.js     Wed Jan 13 15:57:11 2010 +0000
@@ -36,24 +36,13 @@
                return qs[1];
-// function from 
-String.prototype.replaceAll = function(stringToFind,stringToReplace){
-    var temp = this;
-    var index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);
-        while(index != -1){
-            temp = temp.replace(stringToFind,stringToReplace);
-            index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);
-        }
-        return temp;
-    }
 function fill_components()
        for (i in components) {
-               component_modules[components[i]] = eval('modules_' + 
components[i].replaceAll('-', ''));
-               component_stats[components[i]] = eval('stats_' + 
components[i].replaceAll('-', ''));
-               component_deps[components[i]] = eval('deps_' + 
components[i].replaceAll('-', ''));
+               component_modules[components[i]] = eval('modules_' + 
components[i].replace(/\-/g, ''));
+               component_stats[components[i]] = eval('stats_' + 
components[i].replace(/\-/g, ''));
+               component_deps[components[i]] = eval('deps_' + 
components[i].replace(/\-/g, ''));
@@ -118,53 +107,45 @@
                return "2"
+function construct_url(mod, fn)
+       comp = find_component_for_module(mod.split('.')[0]);
+       if (comp != "")
+               return 'index.html?c=' + comp + '&m=' + mod + '#' + fn;
+       else
+               return '#';
 function transform_links(s)
-       out = "";
-       a = 0;
-       b = s.indexOf('{');
-       while (b >= 0) {
-               out += s.substr(a, b-a);
-               a = b + 1;
-               b = s.indexOf('}', a);
-               link = s.substr(a, b-a);
-               f = link.split('|')[1];
-               m = f.lastIndexOf('.');
-               c = find_component_for_module(f.substr(0, m));
-               if (c != "")
-                       out += 'index.html?c=' + c + '&m=' + f.substr(0, m) + 
'#' + f.substr(m+1);
-               else
-                       out += '#';
-               a = b + 1;
-               b = s.indexOf('{', a);
-       }
-       out += s.substr(a);
-       return out;
+       return s.replace(/\{\w*\|([\w|\.]*)\.(\w*)\}/g, function(x,y,z){return 
construct_url(y, z)});
 function transform_type(t)
-       if (t != '') {
+       if (t != undefined && t != '') {
                params = t.split('->');
                for (i in params) {
                        u = params[i];
-                       if (u[0] == '?')
-                               optional = ' <span 
+                       if (u.indexOf('?') > -1)
+                               optional = '<span 
class="optional">optional</span> ';
                                optional = '';
-                       a = u.indexOf(':');
-                       if (a > -1)
-                               u = u.substr(a + 1);
-                       params[i] = '<span class="type">' + u + optional + 
+                       u = u.replace(/[^\(]*:/, '');
+                       params[i] = optional + u;
-               html = params.join('<span class="arrow">\u2192</span>');
-               // the following is obviously a bit inefficient...
-               for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
-                       html = html.replaceAll("'" + String.fromCharCode(0x61 + 
-                               String.fromCharCode(0x3b1 + i));
-               html = html.replaceAll('*', '\u00d7');
+               // put back arrows
+               html = params.join(' <span class="symbol large 
spaced">\u2192</span> ');
+               // remove Pervasives.
+               html = html.replace(/Pervasives\./g, '');
+               // replace polymorphic params by greek letters
+               html = html.replace(/\'([a-z])/g, function(x,y){return 
String.fromCharCode(y.charCodeAt(0) + 0x3b1 - 0x61)});
+               // replaces asteriskes by times symbols
+               html = html.replace(/\*/g, '<span 
+               // replace brackets
+               html = html.replace(/(\(|\))/g, '<span class="symbol 
+               // add links to known types
+               html = html.replace(/([A-Z][\w|\.]*)\.(\w*)/g, 
function(x,y,z){return '<a href="' + construct_url(y, z) + '">' + y + '.' + z + 
                html = '[none]';
@@ -177,8 +158,30 @@
        name = l[l.length - 1];
        html = '<div class="field' + toggle(n) + '">';
+       if (v.params.length > 0)
+               html += '<input type="button" class="small-button" value="show 
parameters" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' + name + 
'_params\').style.display=\'\';" />';
        html += '<div class="field-type"><a name="' + name + 
        html += '<div class="field-name">' + name + '</div>';
+       html += '<table class="field-table">';
+       html += '<tr><td width="100px"><span 
class="field-head">Type:</span></td><td>' + transform_type(v.type);
+/*     if (v.params.length > 0)
+               html += '<tr><td></td><td><input type="button" 
class="small-button" value="parameters" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' + 
name + '_params\').style.display=\'\'; 
this.parentNode.parentNode.style.display=\'none\'" /></td></tr>';*/
+       html += '</td></tr>';
+       html += '<tr id="' + name +
+               '_params" style="display: none"><td width="100px"><span 
+       html += '<table>';
+       for (c in v.params) {
+               n = v.params[c].name;
+               html += '<tr><td width="20%" style="padding: 0 0 .2em">' +
+                       (n == "" ? '(no name)' : v.params[c].name) + '</td>';
+               html += '<td style="padding: 0 0 .2em">' + 
transform_type(v.params[c].type) + '</td></tr>';
+       }
+       html += '</table>';
+       html += '</td></tr>';   
+       html += '</table>';
        if (v.info.deprecated != undefined) {
                html += '<div class="deprecated"><b>Deprecated</b> ' + 
v.info.deprecated + '</div>';
@@ -189,24 +192,6 @@
                html += '<span class="empty">to be completed!</span></div>';
-       html += '<table class="field-table">';
-       html += '<tr><td width="100px"><span 
class="field-head">Type:</span></td><td>' + transform_type(v.type) + 
-       html += '<tr id="' + name + '_params" style="display: none"><td 
width="100px"><span class="field-head">Parameters:</span></td><td>';
-       html += '<table>';
-       for (c in v.params) {
-               n = v.params[c].name;
-               html += '<tr><td width="20%" style="padding: 0 0 .2em">' + (n 
== "" ? '(no name)' : v.params[c].name) + '</td>';
-               html += '<td style="padding: 0 0 .2em">' + 
transform_type(v.params[c].type) + '</td></tr>';
-       }
-       html += '</table>';
-       html += '</td></tr>';
-       if (v.params.length > 0)
-               html += '<tr><td></td><td><input type="button" 
class="small-button" value="parameters" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' + 
name + '_params\').style.display=\'\'; this.style.display=\'none\'" 
-       html += '</table>';
        html += '</div>';
@@ -219,18 +204,18 @@
        html = '<div class="field' + toggle(n) + '">';
        html += '<div class="field-type"><a name="' + name + 
        html += '<div class="field-name">' + name + '</div>';
+       html += '<table class="field-table">';
+       html += '<tr><td width="100px"><span 
+       if (v.exception_args != undefined)
+               html += transform_type(v.exception_args.join(' * ')) + 
+       else
+               html += '[none]</td></tr>';
+       html += '</table>';
        html += '<div class="field-description">';
        if (v.info.description != undefined)
                html += transform_links(v.info.description) + '</div>';
                html += '<span class="empty">to be completed!</span></div>';
-       html += '<table class="field-table">';
-       html += '<tr><td width="100px"><span 
-       if (v.exception_args != undefined)
-               html += v.exception_args + '</td></tr>';
-       else
-               html += '[none]</td></tr>';
-       html += '</table>';
        html += '</div>';
@@ -243,7 +228,7 @@
        html += '<tr><th 
        for (c in cons) {
                html += '<tr><td>' + cons[c].name + '</td>'
-               html += '<td>' + transform_type(cons[c].type) + '</td>'
+               html += '<td>' + transform_type(cons[c].type.join(' * ')) + 
                if (cons[c].description != undefined)
                        html += '<td>' + transform_links(cons[c].description) + 
@@ -278,7 +263,7 @@
        name = l[l.length - 1];
        html = '<div class="field' + toggle(n) + '">';
-       html += '<div class="field-type"><a name="' + name + 
+       html += '<div class="field-type"><a name="' + name + '">[' + 
v.kind.type + ' type]</a></div>';
        html += '<div class="field-name">' + name + '</div>';
        html += '<div class="field-description">';
        if (v.info.description != undefined)
@@ -289,8 +274,6 @@
                html += variant(v.kind);
        else if (v.kind.type == 'record')
                html += record(v.kind);
-       else if (v.kind.type == 'abstract')
-               html += 'abstract type'
        html += '</div>';
@@ -324,6 +307,7 @@
        name = l[l.length - 1];
        html = '<div class="field' + toggle(n) + '">';
+       html += '<input type="button" class="small-button" value="show details" 
onclick="location=\'index.html?c=' + component + '&m=' + v.name + '\'" />';
        html += '<div class="field-type"><a name="' + name + 
        html += '<div class="field-name">' + name + '</div>';
        html += '<div class="field-description">';
@@ -333,8 +317,6 @@
                html += '<span class="empty">to be completed!</span></div>';
        html += '<table class="field-table">';
        html += '<tr><td width="100px"><span 
class="field-head">Type:</span></td><td>' + transform_type(v.type) + 
-       html += '<tr><td></td><td><input type="button" class="small-button" 
value="details" onclick="location=\'index.html?c=' + component + '&m=' + v.name 
+ '\'" /></td></tr>';
        html += '</table>';
        html += '</div>';
@@ -477,8 +459,11 @@
                html += '<span class="empty">to be completed!</span></div>';
-       parse_structure(mod.module_structure);
+       if (mod.module_structure != undefined)
+               parse_structure(mod.module_structure);
+       else if (mod.module_functor != undefined)
+               parse_structure(mod.module_functor.module_structure);
 function module_index()
diff -r 904e7c4da5e0 ocaml/doc/odoc_json.ml
--- a/ocaml/doc/odoc_json.ml    Tue Oct 13 12:49:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/doc/odoc_json.ml    Wed Jan 13 15:57:11 2010 +0000
@@ -494,36 +494,41 @@
        method json_of_raised_exception (s, t) =
                Object ["raised_exception", String s; "text", html_to_json 
(self#t_of_text t)]
+       method json_of_module_parameter mparam =
+               let name = "name", String mparam.Module.mp_name in
+               Object (name :: [])
+       method json_of_module_kind = function
+       | Module_struct l ->
+               "module_structure", Array (List.map self#json_of_module_element 
+       | Module_alias ma ->
+               "module_alias", String "unavailable" (* self#t_of_module_alias 
ma *)
+       | Module_functor (mparam, mk) ->
+               "module_functor", Object (["parameter", 
self#json_of_module_parameter mparam; self#json_of_module_kind mk])
+(*               node "module_functor"
+               [ self#t_of_module_parameter mparam ; self#t_of_module_kind 
+       | Module_apply (mk1, mk2) ->
+               "module_apply", String "unavailable"
+(*               node "module_apply"
+               [ self#t_of_module_kind mk1 ; self#t_of_module_kind mk2]*)
+       | Module_with (mk, s) ->
+               "module_with", String "unavailable"
+(*               node "module_with"
+               [ self#t_of_module_type_kind mk; node "with" [Leaf s] ]*)
+       | Module_constraint (mk, mtk) ->
+               self#json_of_module_kind mk
+(*               node "module_constraint"
+               [ self#t_of_module_kind mk ;
+                 self#t_of_module_type_kind mtk ;
+               ]*)
        method json_of_module m =
                let name = "name", String m.Module.m_name in
                let loc = "location", self#json_of_loc m.Module.m_loc in
                let deps = "dependencies", Object ["uses", Array (List.map (fun 
d -> String d) m.Module.m_top_deps)] in
                let file = "file", String m.Module.m_file in
                let mte = "type", String (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type 
m.Module.m_type) in
-               let mk = match m.Module.m_kind with
-               | Module_struct l ->
-                       "module_structure", Array (List.map 
self#json_of_module_element l)
-               | Module_alias ma ->
-                       "module_alias", String "unavailable" (* 
self#t_of_module_alias ma *)
-               | Module_functor (mparam, mk) ->
-                       "module_functor", String "unavailable"
-(*               node "module_functor"
-                       [ self#t_of_module_parameter mparam ; 
self#t_of_module_kind mk]*)
-               | Module_apply (mk1, mk2) ->
-                       "module_apply", String "unavailable"
-(*               node "module_apply"
-                       [ self#t_of_module_kind mk1 ; self#t_of_module_kind 
-               | Module_with (mk, s) ->
-                       "module_with", String "unavailable"
-(*               node "module_with"
-                       [ self#t_of_module_type_kind mk; node "with" [Leaf s] 
-               | Module_constraint (mk, mtk) ->
-                       "module_constraint", String "unavailable"
-(*               node "module_constraint"
-                       [ self#t_of_module_kind mk ;
-                         self#t_of_module_type_kind mtk ;
-                       ]*)
-               in
+               let mk = self#json_of_module_kind m.Module.m_kind in
                let info = "info", self#json_of_info_opt m.Module.m_info in
                (* dependencies *)
diff -r 904e7c4da5e0 ocaml/doc/style.css
--- a/ocaml/doc/style.css       Tue Oct 13 12:49:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/doc/style.css       Wed Jan 13 15:57:11 2010 +0000
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        border: 0;
-       font: 80% helvetica, arial, sans-serif; 
+       font-family: "Nimbus Sans L", "Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, Arial, 
+       font-size: 80%;
        font-weight: normal;
-       line-height: 130%;
+       line-height: 140%;
        background: white;      
        color : black;
        background-color: #eee;
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
 #header {
        width: 100%;
-       height: 55px;
+       height: 4.5em;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        color: white;
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
        background-color: #ffffdd;
        padding: 1.5em 1em;
        margin: 0 22em 0 .5em;
-       line-height: 150%;
+       line-height: 170%;
 #sidebar {
@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@
 tt, .code {
-       font: 1.2em monospace;
+       font: 1.3em monospace;
        font-weight: inherit;
@@ -245,12 +246,14 @@
 .field-table td {
-       padding: .3em 0;
+       padding: .3em .5em .3em 0;
 .small-button {
        font-size: 70%;
-       text-align: right;
+//     text-align: right;
+       float: right;
+       margin: .5em 0;
 .stat {
@@ -262,13 +265,21 @@
 .type {
-.arrow {
-       font-size: 150%;
+.symbol {
+       font-family: sans-serif;
        color: #cc6600;
-       padding: 0 3px;
+.large {
+       font-size: 130%;
+.spaced {
+       padding: 0 0.3em;
 .optional {
        font-size: 70%;
        vertical-align: top;
diff -r 904e7c4da5e0 ocaml/xiu/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/xiu/OMakefile       Tue Oct 13 12:49:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xiu/OMakefile       Wed Jan 13 15:57:11 2010 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 OCAML_LIBS    += ../xenops/xenops ../netdev/netdev
 OCAMLINCLUDES += ../xenops ../netdev
 OCamlProgram(xiu, xiu)
+OCamlDocProgram(xiu, xiu)
 .PHONY: clean

Attachment: doc-misc
Description: Text document

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  • [Xen-API] [PATCH] [ocamldoc] Various minor tweaks, Rob Hoes <=