# HG changeset patch
# User Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas.gazagnaire@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1262958466 0
# Node ID 009c14391cf870a2a283973727c7b839250b813e
# Parent 30e654b8fb5653bc25c415ff6b366cc2e680bf62
[rpc-light] Do not wait for an optional field when unparsing an {JSON,XML}RPC.
If you have:
type t = { foo : int option; bar : string } with rpc
It is allright to do not have the foo field if its value is None
Signed-off-by: Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas.gazagnaire@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 30e654b8fb56 -r 009c14391cf8 rpc-light/examples/Makefile
--- a/rpc-light/examples/Makefile Fri Jan 08 13:47:46 2010 +0000
+++ b/rpc-light/examples/Makefile Fri Jan 08 13:47:46 2010 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
OCAMLFLAGS = -annot -g
PACKS = rpc-light
-EXAMPLES = all_types phantom xapi
+ all_types \
+ phantom \
+ xapi \
+ option
EXECS=$(foreach example, $(EXAMPLES), $(example).opt)
diff -r 30e654b8fb56 -r 009c14391cf8 rpc-light/p4_rpc.ml
--- a/rpc-light/p4_rpc.ml Fri Jan 08 13:47:46 2010 +0000
+++ b/rpc-light/p4_rpc.ml Fri Jan 08 13:47:46 2010 +0000
@@ -122,10 +122,33 @@
+let is_option = function
+ | <:ctyp@loc< option $_$ >> -> true
+ | _ -> false
(* Conversion ML type -> Rpc.value *)
module Rpc_of = struct
- let rec create id ctyp =
+ let rec product get_field t =
+ let _loc = loc_of_ctyp t in
+ let fields = decompose_fields _loc t in
+ let ids, pids = new_id_list _loc fields in
+ let bindings = List.map2 (fun pid (f, _) -> <:binding< $pid$ =
$get_field f$ >>) pids fields in
+ let aux nid (n, ctyp) accu =
+ if is_option ctyp then begin
+ let new_id, new_pid = new_id _loc in
+ <:expr<
+ match $create nid ctyp$ with [
+ Rpc.Enum [] -> $accu$
+ | Rpc.Enum [ $new_pid$ ] -> [ ($str:n$,
$new_id$) :: $accu$ ]
+ | _ -> assert False
+ ] >>
+ end else
+ <:expr< [ ($str:n$, $create nid ctyp$) ::
$accu$ ] >> in
+ let expr = <:expr< Rpc.Dict $List.fold_right2 aux ids fields
<:expr< [] >>$ >> in
+ <:expr< let $biAnd_of_list bindings$ in $expr$ >>
+ and create id ctyp =
let _loc = loc_of_ctyp ctyp in
match ctyp with
| <:ctyp< unit >> -> <:expr< Rpc.Null >>
@@ -167,21 +190,8 @@
let new_id, new_pid = new_id _loc in
<:expr< Rpc.Enum (Array.to_list (Array.map (fun
$new_pid$ -> $create new_id t$) $id$)) >>
- | <:ctyp< { $t$ } >> ->
- let fields = decompose_fields _loc t in
- let ids, pids = new_id_list _loc fields in
- let bindings = List.map2 (fun pid (f, _) -> <:binding<
$pid$ = $id$ . $lid:f$ >>) pids fields in
- let one_expr nid (n, ctyp) = <:expr< ($str:n$, $create
nid ctyp$) >> in
- let expr = <:expr< Rpc.Dict $expr_list_of_list _loc
(List.map2 one_expr ids fields)$ >> in
- <:expr< let $biAnd_of_list bindings$ in $expr$ >>
- | <:ctyp< < $t$ > >> ->
- let fields = decompose_fields _loc t in
- let ids, pids = new_id_list _loc fields in
- let bindings = List.map2 (fun pid (f, _) -> <:binding<
$pid$ = $id$ # $lid:f$ >>) pids fields in
- let one_expr nid (n, ctyp) = <:expr< ($str:n$, $create
nid ctyp$) >> in
- let expr = <:expr< Rpc.Dict $expr_list_of_list _loc
(List.map2 one_expr ids fields)$ >> in
- <:expr< let $biAnd_of_list bindings$ in $expr$ >>
+ | <:ctyp< { $t$ } >> -> product (fun field ->
<:expr< $id$ . $lid:field$ >>) t
+ | <:ctyp< < $t$ > >> -> product (fun field ->
<:expr< $id$ # $lid:field$ >>) t
| <:ctyp< '$lid:a$ >> -> <:expr<
$lid:rpc_of_polyvar a$ $id$ >>
@@ -231,6 +241,28 @@
Printf.eprintf "Runtime error in
'%s_of_rpc:%s': caught exception '%s' while doing '%s'\\n" $str:name$
$str_of_id id$ (Printexc.to_string __x__) $str:doing$
else () ;
raise (Rpc.Runtime_exception ($str:doing$,
Printexc.to_string __x__)) } >>
+ let product name build_one build_all id t =
+ let _loc = loc_of_ctyp t in
+ let nid, npid = new_id _loc in
+ let fields = decompose_fields _loc t in
+ let ids, pids = new_id_list _loc fields in
+ let exprs = List.map2 (fun id (n, ctyp) -> build_one n id ctyp)
ids fields in
+ let bindings =
+ List.map2 (fun pid (n, ctyp) ->
+ if is_option ctyp then begin
+ <:binding< $pid$ =
+ if List.mem_assoc $str:n$ $nid$
+ Rpc.Enum [List.assoc
$str:n$ $nid$]
+ else
+ Rpc.Enum []
+ >>
+ end else
+ <:binding< $pid$ = try List.assoc
$str:n$ $nid$ with [ $runtime_exn_error name nid ("Looking for key "^n)$ ] >>
+ ) pids fields in
+ <:expr< match $id$ with
+ [ Rpc.Dict $npid$ -> let $biAnd_of_list bindings$ in
$build_all exprs$ | $runtime_error name id "Dict"$ ]
+ >>
let rec create name id ctyp =
let _loc = loc_of_ctyp ctyp in
@@ -312,30 +344,10 @@
| <:ctyp< { $t$ } >> ->
- let nid, npid = new_id _loc in
- let fields = decompose_fields _loc t in
- let ids, pids = new_id_list _loc fields in
- let exprs = List.map2 (fun id (n, ctyp) ->
<:rec_binding< $lid:n$ = $create name id ctyp$ >>) ids fields in
- let bindings =
- List.map2 (fun pid (n, ctyp) ->
- <:binding< $pid$ = try List.assoc
$str:n$ $nid$ with [ $runtime_exn_error name nid ("Looking for key "^n)$ ] >>
- ) pids fields in
- <:expr< match $id$ with
- [ Rpc.Dict $npid$ -> let $biAnd_of_list
bindings$ in { $rbSem_of_list exprs$ } | $runtime_error name id "Dict"$ ]
- >>
+ product name (fun n i ctyp -> <:rec_binding< $lid:n$ =
$create name i ctyp$ >>) (fun es -> <:expr< { $rbSem_of_list es$ } >>) id t
| <:ctyp< < $t$ > >> ->
- let nid, npid = new_id _loc in
- let fields = decompose_fields _loc t in
- let ids, pids = new_id_list _loc fields in
- let exprs = List.map2 (fun id (n, ctyp) ->
<:class_str_item< method $lid:n$ = $create name id ctyp$ >>) ids fields in
- let bindings =
- List.map2 (fun pid (n, ctyp) ->
- <:binding< $pid$ = try List.assoc
$str:n$ $nid$ with [ $runtime_exn_error name nid ("Looking for key "^n)$ ] >>
- ) pids fields in
- <:expr< match $id$ with
- [ Rpc.Dict $npid$ -> let $biAnd_of_list
bindings$ in object $crSem_of_list exprs$ end | $runtime_error name id "Dict"$ ]
- >>
+ product name (fun n i ctyp -> <:class_str_item< method
$lid:n$ = $create name i ctyp$ >>) (fun es -> <:expr< object $crSem_of_list es$
end >>) id t
| <:ctyp< '$lid:a$ >> -> <:expr<
$lid:of_rpc_polyvar a$ $id$ >>
2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
rpc-light/examples/Makefile | 6 ++
rpc-light/p4_rpc.ml | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
Description: Text Data
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