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[Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 9] CA-31528: Remove the Xal DevClosed event since

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 9] CA-31528: Remove the Xal DevClosed event since it is unused
From: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:45:50 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1259595835 0
# Node ID be58692e3374e2a2de389fe2c6c80ec734224ed8
# Parent  c793d4a3f647b335cb665a1d15f2f2ef01241166
CA-31528: Remove the Xal DevClosed event since it is unused.

This also allows us to delete the diff_device_state function.

Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r c793d4a3f647 -r be58692e3374 ocaml/xenops/xal.ml
--- a/ocaml/xenops/xal.ml       Mon Nov 30 15:43:54 2009 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/xal.ml       Mon Nov 30 15:43:55 2009 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 type dev_event =
        (* devices : backend / type / devid *)
-       | DevClosed of bool * string * string
        | DevError of string * string * string
        | DevEject of string * string
        (* device thread start : type / devid / pid *)
@@ -71,8 +70,6 @@
        let string_of_string_opt = function None -> "\"\"" | Some s -> s in
        let string_of_b b = if b then "B" else "F" in
        match ev with
-       | DevClosed (b, s, i) ->
-               sprintf "device closed {%s,%s,%s}" (string_of_b b) s i
        | DevError (s, i, e) ->
                sprintf "device error {%s,%s} \"%s\"" s i e
        | DevEject (s, i) ->
@@ -568,22 +565,6 @@
        (try Xc.interface_close ctx.xc 
         with e -> error "Caught exception: %s while closing xc" 
(Printexc.to_string e))
-let diff_device_state backend ty devid oldstate newstate =
-       let closed () = DevClosed (backend, ty, devid) in
-       if oldstate <> newstate then
-               match oldstate, newstate with
-               | Connecting, Closed     -> [ closed () ]
-               | Connected,  Closing    -> [ closed () ]
-               | Connected,  Closed     -> [ closed () ]
-               | Closing,    Closed     -> [ closed () ]
-               (* those should not happen *)
-               | Closing,    Connecting -> []
-               | Closing,    Connected  -> []
-               | Connected,  Connecting -> []
-               | _                      -> []
-       else
-               []
 let domain_device_event ctx w v =
        match other_watch ctx.xs w v with
        | None                        -> ()
@@ -605,15 +586,9 @@
                | Backend state  ->
                        let oldstate = devstate.backstate in
                        devstate.backstate <- state;
-                       let evs = diff_device_state true ty devid oldstate 
state in
-                       List.iter (fun ev -> ctx.callback_devices ctx domid ev)
-                                 evs
                | Frontend state ->
                        let oldstate = devstate.frontstate in
                        devstate.frontstate <- state;
-                       let evs = diff_device_state false ty devid oldstate 
state in
-                       List.iter (fun ev -> ctx.callback_devices ctx domid ev)
-                                 evs
                | Error error ->
                        devstate.error <- (Some error);
                        ctx.callback_devices ctx domid (DevError (ty, devid, 
diff -r c793d4a3f647 -r be58692e3374 ocaml/xenops/xal.mli
--- a/ocaml/xenops/xal.mli      Mon Nov 30 15:43:54 2009 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/xal.mli      Mon Nov 30 15:43:55 2009 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 exception Timeout
 type dev_event =
-       | DevClosed of bool * string * string
        | DevError of string * string * string
        | DevEject of string * string
        | DevThread of string * string * int
2 files changed, 26 deletions(-)
ocaml/xenops/xal.ml  |   25 -------------------------
ocaml/xenops/xal.mli |    1 -

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