Re: [Xen-API] Xen API call Wed 8am PST
Gareth S Bestor wrote:
> With various distro code freezes coming up soon, and the Xmas/NY break
> behind, I thought it might be a good idea for us all to discuss the
> latest state of the Xen APIs and asssociated Xen 1Q2007 release
> schedules. OK?
> Usual time @ Wed 8-9am PST (or 5am for those of us in New Zealand
> right now... :-)
> 1-866-616-9964 (int'l 1-210-339-2141) passcode 6613147
Seems this number is 'not currently in use'. This is the number we have
been using for the Xen CIM call as well :-/.
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