Re: [Xense-devel] ACM doesnt scale
On 6/24/05, Reiner Sailer <sailer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> xense-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 06/23/2005 09:19:16 PM:
> > On 6/23/05, Steven Hand <Steven.Hand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > >at the moment, ACM supports only 2 models, and the code doesnt scale
> > > >enough (at all) to support more models in the future? any plan to fix
> > > >that?
> > >
> > > Yes - the current ACM code is a proof of concept derived from the
> > > IBM sHype code. The model at present is that two policies (a primary
> > > and secondary) will be in place at any time, although it is intended
> > > that the selection of these will be more dynamic in the future. It's
> > > not yet clear if extending this will be required, but we're certainly
> > > aware of the structure and limitations of the current code.
> > >
> >
> > also the way security models are integrated into ACM doesnt scale,
> either.
> Could you plesae be a little more specific about the "scaling"? What is
> your
> application of the ACM module that determines there's a "scaling" problem?
at the moment, all the security models (chinesewall (A) and ste (B))
are hard-coded, and we have 3 combinations of models (not count NULL
policy): A, B and A_AND_B.
i guess that there are more models to come in the future, suppose 3:
C, D, E. so we will have much more combinations. and obviously the
current organization of code in ACM doesnt scale to that change.
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