Re: [Xen-users] [XCP] converting a .img to xva
I did that :-) i used the following line:
~/Scripts/xcp-xva-convert/xva.py --config=xen.cfg --filename=converted.xva
It gave me a couple of files and some instructions to SCP stuff, i also did that.. But still those errors while booting.
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 2:39 PM, <cluster@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
You have to convert your VM. You can use this tool:
Regards, FG
Hey, Is it possible to covert a .img to a xva?
I have a virtual machine on a xen machine that i would like to run in a xen cloud. I used the xva.py and it gave me a xva + kernel i followed the copy instructions but i get this:
[root@box ~]# xe vm-start vm=converted Error code: WARNING: /dev/xvda is not a disk image
Error parameters: Traceback (most recent call last):, File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 746, in ?, raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find partition containing kernel", RuntimeError: Unable to find partition containing kernel,
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