Re: [Xen-users] high availability iscsi and xen setup
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Thomas Halinka <lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If ur interested i could provide a link to my wiki, which describes such
> a setup
Would you mind sharing this info with me as well please? I need to
setup something like this as well.
> Im running 2 iSCSI-Linux-Targets with a bunch of XEN-Boxes...
What kind of hardware, and networking (i.e. 1GB / 10GB / infinband?)
are you using?
Are you using normal server hardware for the iSCSI server, or do you
use commercial NAS appliances ?
> NOT required, but im testing another kind of such a setup. My receipt is
> to run XEN-Boxes with glusterfs as filebases-Diskbackend...
> http://www.gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/GlusterFS_and_Xen
> first tests were impressive and performance was higher than iscsi, since
> im running ~60VMs over 10GBit-Nics, where the iscsi-targets were the
> bottleneck :-(
I'm looking at using GlusterFS as well, but understand that it doesn't
perform well with plenty of small files (which is typical in web
hosting), but rather with fewer larger files. What kind of data do you
have? And how redundant is your setup?
As matter of interest, what kind of uptime have you been able to
achieve with your setup, as a whole? I mean, if you need to upgrade
the kernel of the servers, then surely you can do them one-at-a-time
and reboot each server in sequence, but the whole project should still
be 100% available? Let's say the network portion is 100% redundant,
and you have multiple redundant UPS + generators. What kind of uptime
could you get with your setup?
Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
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