I am running CentOS 5.5 with Xen.
I wanted to make a Xen Debian 5.0.6 OS template so
that I can create any number of Guests by just untarring the whole archieve
in the new Guest's LVM (I am using LVMs)
So I created a XEN HVM Debian minimal install
and shut it down.
After doing that I mounted the LVM using kpartx to
map the partition on the LVM.
I mounted it on /mnt/debian
Then I copied the /lib/modules to
/mnt/debian/lib/modules for copying the XEN PV modules.
I modified the /mnt/debian/etc/fstab to use
/dev/sda1 at '/' and to use /dev/sda2 as SWAP
After that I tarred the whole system :
root > cd /mnt/debian
root > tar --zcvp --numeric-owner -f
/root/debain-5.tar.gz *
Then I made the two LVM one for SWAP and the other
as the file system.
/dev/vg/debian - This will be mounted as
/dev/vg/debian_swap - This will be mounted as
I mounted /dev/vg/debian and untarred the above
archieve in it.
Then I created the following Config :
# START---
kernel = "/boot/myXENvmlinuz" ramdisk =
"/boot/myXENinitrd.img" name = "debian" memory = "256" hostname =
"debi.com" cpu_weight = "256" vcpus = "2" vif = ["ip=,
vifname=vifdebain.0, mac=myMAC"] disk = ["phy:/dev/vg/debain,sda1,w" ,
"phy:/dev/vg/debain_swap,sda2,w"] root = "/dev/sda1 ro" serial =
Then boot the machine :
root> xm create /etc/xen/debian -c
The machine boots but hangs after starting the CRON.
This is the same thing that happens with Fedora 13 (I created the template
the same way)
Virt-Manager shows that the CPU usage jumps to exactly 49.5 - 50 % of the
system CPU.
Please let me know what am I doing wrong ???
How should I get this template working ?