Re: [Xen-users] bootable disk of xen on xen.org
Thanks for the info. I am going to try xenserver from citrix since it can be installed without an os. I think the performance of all my VMs will perform better.
Do you know if there are any bench marks comparing xenserver vs xen?
I am currently running centos 5.4 with windows 7 running inside it as a VM but it's a little sluggish.
I'd like to be able to shutdown centos while running windows if I want better performance. I think xenserver should allow me to do this.
I guess I will have to wipe my hard drive and re-install both centos and windows after I install xenserver.
Thanks again.
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:55 PM, Fajar A. Nugraha <fajar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There are several projects on xen.org.
Xen hypervisor is the core component. It can't be run independently,
you also need a dom0-capable OS (like Linux) to install it.
XCP (Xen Cloud Platform ) is "a complete cloud infrastructure platform
with a powerful management stack based on open, standards-based APIs,
support for mutli-tenancy, SLA guarantees and deteailed metrics for
consumption based charging"
xenserver is the stable, supported version of XCP.
> I was unable to download a bootable disk of xen on xen.org
Depends on what you need, you can pick one of
or even the linux distros with Xen support (like RHEL/Centos and opensuse).
Note that there's a major difference in management tools between
XCP/Xenserver and the normal Linux+xen hypervisor. Try them out, and
pick the one that suits your needs best.
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