Re: [Xen-users] Troubles converting a pv host from dom0-hosted kernel to
Fabian Zimmermann a écrit :
Last question, loosely related to this problem: is there a way to
easily convert a partition-based host to a disk-based host
(phy:/dev/vg0/foo,sda1 -> phy:/dev/vg0/foo,sda) ?
Maybe you find this useful:
Do you have an english version by any chance ? My german is a bit...
rusty :)
Guillaume Rousse
Service des Moyens Informatiques
INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France
Parc Orsay Université, 4 rue J. Monod
91893 Orsay Cedex France
Tel: 01 69 35 69 62
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