Hi Denis,
I needed to switch one DomU from one IP to an other tonight.
I'm on centos 5.2 (Dom0 and DomU)
Therefore, I made a script using perl to make so. This script modify
the IPADDR line in the following files :
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
- /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0
- /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/ifcfg-eth0
modifying "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" should be enough
I guess...
I know but I wanted to maintain consistency of my system.
Then I reboot the VM and it worked just fine. The VM was still
reachable using its old ip address. I thought that was because I do
not to have rebooted the Dom0.
I put my IP back in the above files and rebooted the Dom0 and DomU.
Nevertheless, my DomU is still reachable from the 2 different IPs.
Any ideas/suggestions ?
I can't understand how it is possible. I tried to change the vif mac
address but it is still the same.
Could you post the output of ifconfig? Are you sure your forme IP
address was not bound to something else than eth0, like eth1 or eth2?
When deploying linux vm, one common mistake is that when you change
the mac address, at boot up udev make a new rules and bind your new
mac address on eth1 or eth2 and up (depending on the last time you
cleaned up your /etc/udev/rules.d/xxx_net_xxx file. So eth0 is still
bound to the old mac address which is not existing anymore.
I guess cleaning udev should be enough, otherwise could you please
post your ifconfig output.
I'll try tomorrow when I 'll get back to work.
I tried the ifconfig command today and got only the IP address from the
"/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" which is running.
We'll see tomorrow afternoon I think as I'll be busy all the morning.
Stéphane Cesbron
Responsable Régional Informatique,
INSERM ADR Grand-Ouest,
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