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[Fwd: Re: [Xen-users] GPLV Drivers 0.9.8 Windows Server 2k3r2 on Debian

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Xen-users] GPLV Drivers 0.9.8 Windows Server 2k3r2 on Debian Etch 64-bit + Backports + Xen 3.2.1 Crashed on first boot.]
From: Joti Mail <joti.mail@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:38:41 +0200
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Hello all,

this email went directly to Scott instead of the list. As I think that it may contain information of interest to other I post it to the list.

Just a short status update:
- I restored all updates and the service pack as well as installed .NET-Framework-2.0.
- Installed the Shutdown Service (All while in non-GPL-PV-driver mode)
- Changed the disk and network lines in the DomU Config to standard PV ones (without ioemu additions) - Rebooted to GPL PV mode and was impressed&happy. Startup is felt 30-50% faster now.

Thanks a lot to all creators of the GPL PV drivers! You rock! :D


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [Xen-users] GPLV Drivers 0.9.8 Windows Server 2k3r2 on Debian Etch 64-bit + Backports + Xen 3.2.1 Crashed on first boot.
Datum: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:18:14 +0200

Hello Scott,

Scott McKenzie schrieb:
Joti Mail wrote:
Hello all,

some hours ago I found out that there exist GPLed PV drivers for Windows HVM DomUs. Actually a highly appreciated and cool thing.

I got them from

and installed them like told there after I read that no major show stoppers exist. (not knowing that there is a subpage

The configuration used here is
GPLV Drivers 0.9.8 Windows Server 2k3r2 32-bit on Debian Etch 64-bit + Backports + Xen 3.2.1 .

Added the /GPLPV parameter to my Windows DomU and rebooted.
Just like it is written on the /Installing page, I am screwed now with a Windows DomU hanging on the Windows Screen with the running load indicator.
I did not experience a BSOD and the install of the tools went fine.
I have the same problem with my Win2K3 system.

My system is back up living again. Here is what I did
 - Revert everything back to ioemu in the cfg
 - Start the system from the W2k3 CDs
 - Select Install, let it search for previous installations, select
repair, wait some time, let it reboot, be happy.

 - You will have lost any service packs or additional software so be
prepared to restore some updates.

There were some funny things:
- It obviously booted with GPL PV drivers after the restore, although in
the DomU cfg there were still all ioemu entries.
- The GPL PV drivers worked seemingly ok, the others were still present
but marked with an exclamation mark.
- I restarted the machine without the /GPLPV parameter, it came up
without a problem. These time the standard QEmu drivers were without
exclamation mark but the GPL PV drivers have one.

- I will now restore my updates and add .Net 2.0 and then try if I could
change the Values in the DomU CFG file to standard LVM PV entries.

I did try to mount the Filesystem (which is stored in a LVM) with ntfs-3g tools, didn't work, ntfs-3g said, I could not find the ntfs signature (so I suppose that this actually might be some qcow or something written in a lvm).

Would removing the /GPLPV option from boot.ini still work and result in a living system? Or do I need to reinstall the entire thing?
Once I've installed the drivers I can't boot with or without /gplpv. I haven't tried mounting the NTFS partition to see if it's readable.

I tried to start the thing with and without type:ioemu parameters for harddisk and network in the xen config file. No difference.

If someone could
- help me in some way to reanimate my Windows DomU
- add a link to the /Installing Wiki-Page on the main GPLPV Page

that would be highly appreciated and very nice :)
Whenever I install these drivers I take a copy of my domU and install the drivers in a running copy. James has stated multiple times that they are not yet ready for production use and to use at your own risk. If you installed them in your only domU and now it won't boot then I think you may need to reinstall it. Have you tried booting in Safe Mode and manually un-installing the drivers?

...Well not production quality, yes. Classic case of rtf use
instructions for me then ;-)

As for the wiki, it's a wiki so you can edit the page and add the link.

Done. Actually it was there, but linked with quite silently... I made
that link a bit more obvious.


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  • [Fwd: Re: [Xen-users] GPLV Drivers 0.9.8 Windows Server 2k3r2 on Debian Etch 64-bit + Backports + Xen 3.2.1 Crashed on first boot.], Joti Mail <=