Re: [Xen-users] Cannot Create Fully DomU with CDROM!
> I need help, while I wanted to create virtual machines domU with fully
> virtualization, I found NO CDROM (disabled) in the 3rd step. How can I
> enable it?
> So I can install other Linux distro.
What's your current setup?
Are you creating the domain manually (that is to say, building a config file
and booting the domain from it, rather than using a GUI tool)?
You probably need to include an entry for a CD-ROM virtual device in the
domain's config file. You can either do something of the format:
'file:/path/to/file/,hdc:cdrom,r' to attach an ISO image in dom0 to the
emulated CD-ROM, which will appear as hdc in the guest.
Or you should be able to do something like:
'phy:<device name>,hdc:cdrom,r' or possibly 'file:/dev/<device
to pass through dom0's real CD-ROM drive.
(nb. in both cases, changing CD-ROMs may require a bit more fiddling around.
You can't just change the disk in the host disk drive and expect it to work,
for instance. This isn't an issue for modern DVD installs where everything
is on one disk.)
You may need to set:
boot = "dc"
to boot from CD-ROM. Change it back to:
boot = "c" when you want to boot from the virtual hard disk again.
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