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Re: [Xen-users] About Xen4

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] About Xen4
From: "Todd Deshane" <deshantm@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 22:53:33 -0500
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On Jan 18, 2008 2:16 PM, Ivan Gonzalez <smaug_valley@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi everyone!

I have a couple of doubts, i hope you can give me some

* I hear you are planning to release Xen 4 if
so...When do you plan to realese it?

It looks to me that XenServer version 4 from Citrix is already out


* Does the xenserverexpress 4 edition is exactly the
same as Xen 4 (open source)?
* if not, what is the difference?
XenServer and the open source version are different. The basic idea is that XenServer (express, server and enterprise editions) is based on the open source version of Xen. The low level Xen stuff is all the same, but Citrix, the company that bought XenSource, adds value-added components on top of that base open source Xen. The XenServer product line is targeted more at enterprise users since they are often looking to pay for a management solution and professional support. The open source version of Xen can be used by anyone and is more flexible, it doesn't come with the added features of XenServer, but it all depends on what type of solution you are looking for.

Also, this is a users list. It sounds like you are asking us when we will release a Xen product. The users don't release a product, the developers do. For the open source version of Xen, refer to xen.org. Also the XenServer product that you mention has forums on the Citrix Xen site. Hope that helps your understanding.


I hope someone can help me.


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