Re: [Xen-users] inittab corrupted/serial console broken on Xen-ified ker
Here's what I do on an F7 system with a built Xen 3.2 and Xenified
Linux kernel from the Xen soure: (2.6.18):
Add the folloing line to /etc/inittab (after the rest of the getty lines)
s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt100
Add "ttyS0" to /etc/securetty
For Xen/Dom0:
On Xen "command line" (in grub.conf) add: com1=115200,8n1
On Xenified Linux "command line" (in grub.conf) add: console=ttyS0, 115200
It works for me no problem...it looks like you're doing more or less
the same thing?
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