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Re: [Xen-users] Problems with modules and version in domU

Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Problems with modules and version in domU
From: "Jerry Amundson" <jamundso@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 19:23:17 -0600
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On 2/15/07, mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I am experiencing weird problems with my DOMU's. I have used gentoo to
create the DOM0 and DOMU kernels. I copied the /lib/modules/ to the DOMU I
did a depmod /lib/modules/<version>  but when I boot up I get these errors

I am not sure what I did wrong. The DOMU's are debian images from
jailtime.org. I did an apt-get install module-init-tools as well.
So why have you "used gentoo to create the DOM0 and DOMU kernels."??


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