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Re: [Xen-users] Listing PCI Devices in a DomU

To: "Felipe Franciosi" <ozzy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Listing PCI Devices in a DomU
From: "Henning Sprang" <henning_sprang@xxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:05:11 +0100
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On 11/27/06, Felipe Franciosi <ozzy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The thing is that this will not fix my problem, as all I need is to the DomU
to see specific data about the network controller. I can't hide this device
from Dom0, or several other things will stop working. :)
XenMon is doing statistical stuff on dom0 - maybe this has the
information you need.
Also, Xenstats and dtc-xen generate statistics, the latter also for
network stuff.

But I don't know what data you want to collect exactly. What forces
you to collect the data in domU? I think, most interesting data is
available in dom0, as all I/O has to go through dom0 anyway.


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