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Re: [Xen-users] Delay opening sockets

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Delay opening sockets
From: Adam Smith <adam@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 16:53:31 +0100
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Thanks but that's the first thing we tried. It's not a DNS lookup causing the delay (we're connecting by IP address) and we've ruled out anything on the remote server. It occurs on any port, with any service as far as we can tell.
Steve Kemp wrote:
On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 04:26:17PM +0100, Adam Smith wrote:

Hi. We seem to be experiencing a very odd issue with Xen 3.0 (RPM version under CentOS). When establishing a socket (via any application - for example telnet to a mailserver on port 25) there is an almost precise 10 second delay before there is any throughput. This only happens intermittently and appears to occur on all VDSs on the same system. This does not occur on identical physical systems on the same network.
  Whilst this could be a Xen issue have you tested things like

  It could be that all the services you're attempting to connect
 to are timing out on doing lookups of the IPs which are connecting.
 (Or similarly a mailserver might be trying ident lookups.)

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Adam Smith
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