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Re: [Xen-users] Re: [Xen-devel] irq 17: nobody cared (try booting with t

On 13 Jun 2006, at 10:21, Hans-Christian Armingeon wrote:

Yes, I did. At the point the error happened, IRQ17 was definitely in
use by two separate domains on your system?

Well, irq17 is in use for the onboard S-ATA, but thewre are no HDDs plugged in.
And the USB Controllers are on Irq17, that are both passed to a domU.

Last week, the system ran without problems with the noirqdebug option.
If you 'cat /proc/interrupts' in domain0 and in the domU, do both print 
a line for IRQ17?
 -- Keir

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