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Re: [Xen-users] xenmon

To: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] xenmon
From: "Serge Dubrouski" <sergeyfd@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 08:04:42 -0600
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And what could be the reason fort this:

xenbaked: no process killed
ms_per_sample = 100
Initialized with 2 cpu's
CPU Frequency = 2388.52
ERROR: Failure to get trace buffer pointer from Xen (22 = Invalid argument)
xenbaked: no process killed



On 5/10/06, Kaleb Pederson <kibab@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I haven't seen that behavior.  In 3.0.2, I had to change the xenbaked call in
xenmon so that it would redirect stdout to /dev/null as it kept outputting
some debugging code that I presume accidently was left in.

The output should look something like this (note, I'm only display the left
half of the screen as otherwise it would wrap in e-mail and look awful based
on my terminal width):

 CPU = 0        Last 10 seconds
 0   775.49 ns   0.00%       272.49 us/ex
 0                           6.24 ms/ex
 0   59.38 us    0.01%       0.00 ns/io
 0   13.87 ns    0.00%       4.87 us/ex
 0                           0/s
 0   0/s                     0/ex
 31  59.39 us    0.01%       20.87 ms/ex
 31                          992.84 ms/ex
 31  130.57 ns   0.00%       0.00 ns/io
 31  777.88 ns   0.00%       273.33 us/ex
 31                          0/s
 31  0/s                     0/ex

I'm in the middle of playing with all the monitoring capabilities and am
writing up a tutorial, of sorts, on this functionality.

There are a few things that you might find relevant in the following:


It's a work in progress for one of my classes, but is hopefully decent.


On Wednesday 10 May 2006 1:20 pm, Ray Bryant wrote:
> When I run xenmon.py on my x86_64 box (dual core, single socket),  I get a
> single line of incomprehensible output at the top of the screen.    It
> looks something like this (extra spaces & ='s removed to make it fit):
>  =     99.96%  99.98%======18.70ms/exx======Waitedd============
> Is this a known problem?    What is the output supposed to look like?

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