> Depends on what OS you are using. For RHEL4, you can use either
oops-I'm using SlES 9 sp3.
> resize2fs (requires you to first run e2fsck), or (better choice) you can
I tried resize2fs but maybe I didn't do right. I ran it from dom0 against
the lv /dev/xenlocal/xen0vm1 volume. Is that the correct way for a vm?
> also run ext2online, which doesn't require running e2fsck, but rather
ext2online looks as though it should be a part of ext2resize but if SuSE
is using it I haven't been able to find it.
> resizes it online.
> Ben
FWIW if I open yast from the vm and look at the partition manager it also
shows the new size.
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