I am unable to create a guest domain using the xm create command. The xm create
command itself succeeds and gives the following output:
>Using config file "dom1".
>Started domain dom1, console on port 9617
For a few seconds after this, I am able to see the guest domain in the xm list
output. After that, the guest crashes and disappears from the xm list. At this
point xm log shows that the guest has crashed:
>[2005-07-06 01:39:08 xend] INFO (XendRoot:112) EVENT> xend.domain.unpause
['dom1', '16']
>[2005-07-06 01:39:12 xend] DEBUG (blkif:203) Connecting blkif to event channel
<BlkifBackendInterface 16 0> ports=13:3
>[2005-07-06 01:39:16 xend] DEBUG (XendDomain:244) XendDomain>reap> domain died
name=dom1 id=16
>[2005-07-06 01:39:16 xend] INFO (XendDomain:564) Destroying domain: name=dom1
I am using the stable Xen 2.0.6 release, with Linux Both xen0 and
xenU are compiled with the default configurations. It is running on an AMD
Opteron 250 processor, with 2 GB of memory. My guest configuration file
has the following entries:
This config uses NFS root, but I am seeing the same problem even with a
file-backed VBD. The guest domain itself runs for such a short time that I am
unable to open a console to the guest and see at which point it crashes.
Is there some other experiment I should try?
Aravind Menon
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