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Re: [XenPPC] DOM0 can not be set up

To: Jun Hui Bu <bujunhui@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [XenPPC] DOM0 can not be set up
From: Christian Ehrhardt <ehrhardt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 17:19:01 +0200
Cc: Hollis Blanchard <hollisb@xxxxxxxxxx>, xen-ppc-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I am attempting to boot Xen/Dom0 instead of the installed Linux kernel.
Since the boot loaded is yaboot, I added a new entry in /etc/yaboot.conf that boots Xen instead.

> I've never used yaboot to boot Xen, but please paste your "xen" yaboot
> config. I find this interesting in particular:
> > boot_of_module: Dom0 was loaded and found using r3/r4:
> 0xf00000[size 0x35d000]
> > mod0: 63 L 3 Ì
> > boot_of_module: dom0 mod @ 0x0000000000f00000[0x125d000]
> That "mod0" output looks suspicious if it's supposed to be an ELF
> file...

The "xen" yaboot is:

image = /boot/xen
label = xen
root = /dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_MK4019GAXB_93SK3653T-part3
initrd = /boot/zImage.initrd

And also, the original yaboot is:

image = /boot/vmlinux-
label = linux
root = /dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_MK4019GAXB_93SK3653T-part3
initrd = /boot/initrd-

I always used yaboot to boot xenppc, the default configuration you used with xen_maple_defconfig does not need an initrd so my yaboot looked like this:
 label = xen
 image = /boot/xen

To build without initrd I always used this commands:
 make ARCH=powerpc O=../xen mrproper
 make ARCH=powerpc O=../xen xen_maple_defconfig
 make ARCH=powerpc O=../xen menuconfig
 make -j5 ARCH=powerpc O=../xen all
 make O=../xen modules_install

And afterwards to build xen:
make debug=y optimize=0 crash_debug=y CMDLINE="noreboot debug loglvl=7 debug=7 -- root=/dev/sda6 debug loglevel=7" DOM0_IMAGE=~/xen_2.6.18/xen-unstable.hg/linux-2.6.18-xen.hg/arch/powerpc/boot/zImage
You may remove all the loglevel&debug stuff, but give it a try without 
initrd and my build commands.
If it still does not work add all the debug&loglevel stuff and attach 
the complete output of the boot process, maybe we see more in that one.

Grüsse / regards, Christian Ehrhardt
IBM Linux Technology Center, Open Virtualization
+49 7031/16-3385

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