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Re: [XenPPC] Where is htab?

On Oct 8, 2006, at 7:14 PM, poff wrote:

After reading your note, I tried printing all non-zero rpns in  
guest domain.
There are lots- in fact 'bios' got a watchdog timeout and reverted  
out of SLOF
while printing...
hmm thats odd, how old is your tree?
try to make sure you are at least at:
changeset:   12172:276d39822a21
user:        Jimi Xenidis <jimix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
date:        Mon Oct 02 11:04:00 2006 -0400
summary:     [XEN][POWERPC] go ultra conservative on CI IO routines

if you reverted slof with this changeset, I _need_ to know.

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