Re: xm-test Was: [XenPPC] [xenppc-unstable] [TOOLS][XM-TEST] *
(Note: I'm going only on the information provided in this mail, so if
I'm missing a bigger picture, please let me know)
>> REASON: Device is not actually attached to domU FAIL:
>> 04_block_attach_device_repeatedly_pos.test
This test starts a domain (not necessarily with any disk) and
attaches and detaches a disk several times.
JX> the scrip tbuild for 01_block_attach_device_pos.test is missing
JX> the "disk=" definition.
...which is perfectly valid...
JX> This is not easily fixed AFAICT.
The domain configuration object will create a "disk=" line if disks
have been added to the domain object before the domain is created.
JX> Any thougths on this would be appreciated.
Does block-{attach,detach} work on PPC?
Dan Smith
IBM Linux Technology Center
Open Hypervisor Team
email: danms@xxxxxxxxxx
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