Re: [Xen-merge] arch/i386/mach-xen/mm/highmem.c indentical
* Ian Pratt (m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> > arch/i386/mach-xen/mm/highmem.c is another one to remove it seems?
> I've actually got a patch sitting in my tree that touches this file, and
> is important for making kmap (>900MB) work well on Xen. I haven't
> checked it in because I don't totally like the approach of introducing
> "kset_pte_at", though we clearly need something checked in because it's
> a huge win on some benchmarks.
Also, highmem aren't identical, there was a preceding patch which did
that. The subarch is functional, but does have redundant bits in it.
I've since removed highmem. I'd avoid kset_* since it'll look like kset
handling (as in kobject and sysfs). I didn't look closely yet, but what
cases would you not want this redifintion of set_pte_at? IOW, could
set_pte_at just be provided by Xen subarch?
> The extra optimization in highmem.c is to fold the flush into the
> update_va_mapping (which is quite a bit faster than set_pte).
OK, that just says we need an arch specific callout during kmap_atomic.
I've already patches that one anyway.
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