[Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH 3 of 4] Nested p2m: clarify logic in p2m_get_nest
At 15:53 +0100 on 24 Jun (1308930816), Christoph Egger wrote:
> > More generally, I think that you need to figure out exactly what
> > behaviour you want from this function. For example in the current code
> > there's no way that two vcpus with the same ncr3 value can share a
> > nested-p2m. Is that deliberate?
> By 'current code' do you mean with or w/o this patch ?
Both, and all versions of the code from before my current series to the
full series applied.
> It is deliberate that two vcpus with the same ncr3 share a nested-p2m.
But they don't. The code in current unstable tip does this:
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NESTEDP2M; i++) {
p2m = d->arch.nested_p2m[i];
if ((p2m->cr3 != cr3 && p2m->cr3 != CR3_EADDR) || (p2m != nv->nv_p2m))
// ... return this p2m
/* All p2m's are or were in use. Take the least recent used one,
* flush it and reuse.
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NESTEDP2M; i++) {
p2m = p2m_getlru_nestedp2m(d, NULL);
rv = p2m_flush_locked(p2m);
if (rv == 0)
// ... return this p2m
The first loop never returns a p2m that's != nv->nv_p2m. The second
loop always returns a fresh, flushed p2m. So there's no way that two
different vcpus, starting with nv->nv_p2m == NULL, can ever get the same
p2m as each other.
The pseudocode is basically:
- If I have an existing nv_p2m and it hasn't been flushed, reuse it.
- Else flush all np2ms in LRU order and return the last one flushed.
My patch 3/4 doesn't change the logic at all (I think); your latest fix
just avoids the over-aggressive flushing of all np2ms.
> But fixing the p2m locking problem in upstream tree has a higher
> priority right now and we can work on that after the p2m locking
> issue is fixed upstream.
AFAICS the locking is fixed by the current set of patches (though I'm
still not able to run Xen-in-Xen well enough to test them). I can send
the full series again for clarity if you like. The outstanding bug is
that there are many more IPIs than previously; I suspect that your
latest fix will reduce them quite a lot by avoiding a storm of
mutually-destructive flush operations. If the performance is still too
bad we can add more IPI-avoidance strategies.
Tim Deegan <Tim.Deegan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Principal Software Engineer, Xen Platform Team
Citrix Systems UK Ltd. (Company #02937203, SL9 0BG)
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