Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0 of 2] [Resend v2] remus: Checkpoint Compression
George Dunlap writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0 of 2] [Resend v2] remus:
Checkpoint Compression"):
> If I understand the patch correctly,the compression is of a special
> kind: it's not gzipped, but the new page is compared to the previous
> page, and only the differences sent. (This is done in a clever way to
> be computationally efficient.)
> So simply running the whole stream through gzip won't have the same
> effect: it won't take advantage of the fact that most of the data
> already exists on the remote side, and only send the differences. So it
> will most likely take more computation power to compress, and end up
> with a higher bandwitdh.
Thanks. I shall read the patch in more detail.
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