Re: [Xen-devel] IOMMU Interrupt Remapping query
On 06/06/2011 17:37, "Andrew Cooper" <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 06/06/11 16:21, Keir Fraser wrote:
>> On 06/06/2011 15:32, "Andrew Cooper" <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I am attempting to fix the kexec interactions with x2apic and iommu
>>> functionality. Part of this involves ensuring that all IOMMU
>>> functionality is disabled, as the kdump kernels are not happy at having
>>> their interrupts remapped without their knowledge.
>>> I have introduced iommu_disable_x2apic_IR() onto the kexec path, but it
>>> does not seem to actually disable interrupt remapping on Intel boxes
>>> (Specifically the two Intel Nehalem boxes I am testing on).
>>> Specifying iommu=no-intremap on the commandline causes everything to
>>> work correctly, but leaving it out causes the kdump kernel to hang and
>>> eventually reboot, as can be seen on the attached serial log.
>>> The lines starting DBG: are extra debugging I have put in which shows
>>> that the disable_IR() function is being called and writing to the registers.
>> Should have attached your patch as well. Noone else can know with certainty
>> where you put your debugging, and noone else is going to want to help debug
>> your code if they can't even see it. :-)
>> Also a good idea to Cc a likely person who can help (i.e., someone who wrote
>> the code that you are querying). 'hg annotate' is useful for this -- in this
>> case I am adding Weidong Han to the cc list.
>> On the bright side, this must have been got working for S3 suspend/resume to
>> work properly (indeed that's what the disable code was originally added
>> for). So it can't be an insurmountable problem.
>> -- Keir
>>> This problem occurs with the XenServer version of 4.1.0 as well as on
>>> xen-unstable at the moment.
>>> Is there any hardware state which is not taken down by the disable
>>> function, any subtle interactions which I have not taken account of? I
>>> have looked through the source and nothing pops out, but I am out of ideas.
>>> Thanks in advance,
> Attached are the two relevant patches, and two which I don't think are
> relevant but might be if I am wrong. crash_shutdown was an attempt to
> make an iommu_ops which shut down all iommu functionality without saving
> state. debug-wip shows where I have put in debug statements.
> kdump-fix-x2apic and apic-record-boot-mode are also in the source, but I
> believe them to be unrelated to the current problem.
> I have done some further debugging on the assumption that the order of
> shutting down interupt remapping matters with shutting down the lapics
> and ioapics, but disable_qinval causes a panic (qinval.c:222 - "queue
> invalidate wait descriptor was not executed\n") if it is run before both
> the lapics and ioapics are shut down.
By the way, Weidong's email is dead. Cc'ing Allen Kay (the VT-d maintainer)
-- Keir
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