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[Xen-devel] Re: PoD with Windows Balloon

To: Chu Rui <ruichu@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] Re: PoD with Windows Balloon
From: George Dunlap <George.Dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:15:18 +0000
Cc: Paul Durrant <Paul.Durrant@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, James Harper <james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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It looks like possibly the GPLPV baloon driver is using the wrong value to calculate how much memory it's starting with (and thus how big it needs to make the balloon)?
The Citrix Windows PV drivers (which you can get free-as-in-beer from 
the XCP distribution) work properly with PoD on open-source last time I 
checked (probably a month ago).

On 30/11/10 11:05, Chu Rui wrote:
I have tried PoD in Windows/HVM. My VMM is XEN 4.0.0, Domain0 is RHEL
5.4/kernel 2.6.31, and DomainU is Windows 2003.
It does not work well as in Linux/HVM. The primary problem looks in the
balloon driver, which was obtained from
In my configuration, memory=512M, and maxmem=2G. After booted, I want to
inflate the balloon with the target=390M, but the balloon driver does
not work correctly.
It becomes clear after I get the debug messges from the balloon driver
as this:
00000000 0.00000000 XenPCI --> XenPci_BalloonHandler
00000001 0.00153629 XenPCI     target memory value = 390 (400000)
00000002 0.00619057 XenPCI <-- XenPci_BalloonHandler
00000003 0.00619715 XenPCI     Got balloon event, current = 512, target
= 390
00000004 0.00858740 XenPCI     Trying to give 122 MB to Xen
00000005 0.00968578 XenPCI     Calling
HYPERVISOR_memory_op(XENMEM_decrease_reservation) - pfn_count = 256
00000006 0.02019652 XenPCI     decreased 256 pages
Obviously, the balloon driver thinks that the system has(target) only
512M memory when booted, thus the balloon size was 122MB, not 2G-390M.
Is it a bug of the Windows balloon driver? Does it work if I simply
modify the source code to make the initial target value as 2G?

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