[Xen-devel] Re: [Patch 2/4] Refining Xsave/Xrestore support - Version 2
>>> On 29.10.10 at 03:25, Haitao Shan <maillists.shan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>@@ -376,7 +392,10 @@ int vcpu_initialise(struct vcpu *v)
> spin_lock_init(&v->arch.shadow_ldt_lock);
>- return (is_pv_32on64_vcpu(v) ? setup_compat_l4(v) : 0);
>+ if ( (rc = (is_pv_32on64_vcpu(v) ? setup_compat_l4(v) : 0)) != 0 )
>+ xfree(v->arch.xsave_area);
This surely is ugly to read. Why can't this be simply
if ( is_pv_32on64_vcpu(v) )
rc = setup_compat_l4(v);
if ( rc )
with rc zero-initialized at the top of the function.
>+ case 0xd1: /* XSETBV */
>+ {
>+ u64 new_xfeature = regs->eax | ((u64)regs->edx << 32);
You need (u32)regs->eax here.
>+ if ( !guest_kernel_mode(v, regs)
>+ /* Currently only XCR0 is implemented */
>+ || regs->ecx != XCR_XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK
>+ /* bit 0 of XCR0 must be set */
>+ || !(new_xfeature & XSTATE_FP)
>+ /* Reserved bit must not be set */
>+ || (new_xfeature & ~xfeature_mask) )
>+ goto fail;
You need to check for the use of invalid prefixes here (as
otherwise we risk mis-emulating future meanings of prefixed
versions of this opcode).
Further, some of the failures here really need to report #UD
(instead of #GP) to the guest.
To minimize future changes I'd also suggest starting with a
switch ( (u32)regs->ecx ) from the beginning (note that in any
case you'll have to ignore the upper 32 bits).
> #define real_cr4_to_pv_guest_cr4(c) \
>- ((c) & ~(X86_CR4_PGE | X86_CR4_PSE | X86_CR4_TSD | X86_CR4_OSXSAVE))
>+ ((c) & ~(X86_CR4_PGE | X86_CR4_PSE | X86_CR4_TSD))
I don't think this is correct: You don't want the guest to see the
actual CR4 value, but its emulated version. And you handle
things accordingly already in pv_guest_cr4_fixup().
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