Re: [Xen-devel] physdev match: using --physdev-out in the OUTPUT, FORWAR
On Fri, Sep 03, James Harper wrote:
> I see lots and lots of " physdev match: using --physdev-out in the
> OUTPUT, FORWARD and POSTROUTING chains for non-bridged traffic is not
> supported anymore." in the kernel logs. You can turn off some of the
> iptables stuff by turning off antispoofing but the stuff in
> vif-common.sh is not under admin control.
> Not tested, but I think something like this might be required to make it
> work better:
> ---
> /usr/local/src/xen-4.0-testing.hg/dist/install/etc/xen/scripts/vif-commo
> n.sh 2010-08-25 22:05:47.000000000 +1000
> +++ vif-common.sh 2010-09-03 10:05:03.316931684 +1000
> @@ -66,6 +66,11 @@
> frob_iptable()
> {
> + if [ `cat /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables` != "1" ]
Does that file always exist?
Better do "`${shell_code}`" to force an empty string if cat fails.
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