RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH]: xl: use libuuid to generate random UUID's
> Link to libuuid in xl et al and bring in the header file. Use libuuid to
> generate UUID's which are actually UU and not merely pseudo-random :)
> As a side-effect I have also used libuuid to generate more random MAC
> addresses rather than keeping the old code and simply xoring getpid() in
> to the PRNG seed.
The MAC generation scheme in xend was awful -- it might be a good idea to take
this opportunity to fix things in libxl.
The best approach is to generate locally administered MAC addresses hence
giving us 46 bits of freedom rather than XenSource registered OUI addresses
which have just 24 bits -- collisions will be *much* less likely. Further, it's
best not to generate random addresses every time, but to derive the MAC address
from a good hash of the VM UUID and the NIC number so that they are
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