[Xen-devel] Re: Unofficial Xen 4.0.1-rc3-pre src.rpm package for Fedora
On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 08:33:12PM +0100, M A Young wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Jun 2010, M A Young wrote:
>> On Sat, 19 Jun 2010, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
>>> I just hacked together Xen 4.0.1-rc3-pre src.rpm package for Fedora 13,
>>> and I thought I'd share it. It should work with Fedora 12 aswell.
>>> download-link:
>>> http://pasik.reaktio.net/fedora/xen-4.0.1-0.1.rc3.fc13.src.rpm
>>> Note that Xen 4.0.1-rcX is required for the latest
>>> xen/stable-2.6.32.x kernels (, they won't work with Xen
>>> 4.0.0 anymore.
>> I think I will add the relevant patch to the xen 3.4.3 F-12 and F-13
>> packages, as I would like to keep them basically functional with the
>> xen/stable-2.6.32.x kernels. I will do something with the rawhide
>> package as well, though I haven't yet decided whether just to add the
>> patch or go for the latest xen 4 rc.
> There are xen builds in the Fedora system now (3.4.3-2 or 4.0.0-2
> depending on the version), with the patch added to make them work with
> the latest xen/stable-2.6.32.x kernels. If you don't want to wait for
> them to make their way through QA etc. you can find them at
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=7
Great, thanks!
-- Pasi
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