Re: [Xen-devel] Poor SMP performance pv_ops domU
On 05/19/2010 09:24 AM, John Morrison wrote:
> I've tried with various kernel's today - pv_ops seems to only use 1 core out
> of 8.
> PV spinlocks makes no difference.
> The thing that sticks out most is I cannot get the dom0 (xen-3.4.2) to show
> more that about 99.7% cpu usage for any pv_ops kernel.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> while () {}
> running 8 of these loads with nearly 800% cpu as shown in dom0
> running the same 8 in any pv_ops kernel's only gets as high as about 99.7%
What tool are you using to show CPU use?
> Inside the pv and xenU kernels top -s show all 8 cores being used.
I tried to reproduce this:
1. I created a 4 vcpu pvops PV domain (4 pcpu host)
2. Confirmed that all 4 vcpus are present with "cat /proc/cpuinfo" in
the domain
3. Ran 4 instances of ``perl -e "while(){}"&'' in the domain
4. "top" within the domain shows 99% overall user time, no stolen
time, with the perl processes each using 99% cpu time
5. in dom0 "watch -n 1 xl vcpu-list <domain>" shows all 4 vcpus are
consuming 1 vcpu second per second
6. running a spin loop in dom0 makes top within the domain show
16-25% stolen time
Aside from top showing "99%" rather than ~400% as one might expect, it
all seems OK, and it looks like the vcpus are actually getting all the
CPU they're asking for. I think the 99 vs 400 difference is just a
change in how the kernel shows its accounting (since there's been a lot
of change in that area between .18 and .32, including a whole new
If you're seeing a real performance regression between .18 and .32,
that's interesting, but it would be useful to make sure you're comparing
apples to apples; in particular, isolating any performance effect
inherent in Linux's performance change from .18 -> .32, compared to
pvops vs xenU.
So, things to try:
* make sure all the vcpus are actually enabled within your domain;
if your adding them after the domain has booted, you need to make
sure they get hot-plugged properly
* make sure you don't have any expensive debug options enabled in
your kernel config
* run your benchmark on the 2.6.32 kernel booted native and compare
it to pvops running under xen
* compare it with the Novell 2.6.32 non-pvops kernel
* try pinning the vcpus to physical cpus to eliminate any Xen
scheduler effects
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