Re: [Xen-devel] Physical node info from libxl
On Fri, 7 May 2010, Gihan Munasinghe wrote:
> Guys
> Looking at the libxl I can't see anywhere I can get a node info structure..
> basically the physical info of the Node e.g - total_ram, free ram, no
> cpu etc
> With the current xen version(3.3), I am pulling these data directly from
> xenctrl
> long int pagesize;
> xc_physinfo_t physinfo = {0};
> pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
> result = xc_physinfo(xc_handle, &physinfo);
> nodeinfo->cpu_hz = ((unsigned long long)physinfo.cpu_khz) * 1000ULL;
> nodeinfo->num_cpus = physinfo.nr_cpus;
> nodeinfo->tot_mem = ((unsigned long long) physinfo.total_pages) *
> pagesize ;
> nodeinfo->free_mem = ((unsigned long long) physinfo.free_pages) *
> pagesize ;
> But I think having this code in libxl make more sense. So can I suggest
> a new structure like
> typedef struct libxl_physinfo{
> long long cpu_hz;
> long long total_memorykb;
> long long free_memorykb;
> int num_cpus;
> /*Any more suggestions*/
> }libxl_physinfo;
> and a method
> libxl_physinfo *libxl_physical_info(struct libxl_ctx *ctx);
> This can be used in something like "xl info" as well What you guys think?
In xen-unstable 'xl info' and libxl_get_physinfo are already
implemented, in particular we have:
struct libxl_physinfo {
uint32_t threads_per_core;
uint32_t cores_per_socket;
uint32_t max_cpu_id;
uint32_t nr_cpus;
uint32_t cpu_khz;
uint64_t total_pages;
uint64_t free_pages;
uint64_t scrub_pages;
uint32_t nr_nodes;
uint32_t hw_cap[8];
uint32_t phys_cap;
are you satisfied with the results?
You might want to checkout xen-unstable in the future because the most
recent developments in all xen areas are there, so you might find that
some features are already implemented.
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