Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 4.0 on RHEL6 beta
On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 09:05:24AM -0700, Dan Magenheimer wrote:
> I played with installing Xen 4.0 on the RHEL6 beta a bit, worked my way
> through/around some issues, ran into some other issues that were over
> my head, and decided to give up for now. But I thought I'd start a
> basenote for anyone else who wants to try this. If you get it working
> (or even make more progress), please reply to this note.
I haven't managed to try RHEL6 beta yet, but some comments still.. :)
> Here's what I did:
> 1) Installed RH6 beta from x86_64 DVD.iso choosing software dev option
> 2) Installed mercurial rpm (on DVD... git is already there)
> 3) hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/xen-4.0-testing.hg
> 4) Found and installed FC13 uuid-devel and uuid rpms (but see below)
> 5) Found and installed FC13 dev86 rpm
> 6) Downloaded and installed acpica/iasl stuff
> 7) make world install (actually, for me, GIT_HTTP=y make ...)
> It appears that pvops dom0 gets downloaded.
You could just do:
make xen
make tools
make stubdom
make install-xen
make install-tools
make install-stubdom
And then grab xen/stable-2.6.32.x branch manually from jeremy's xen.git.
> 8) I found that blktap2 seems to use some version of uuid-devel
> that is inconsistent with FC13, so I turned off blktap2 in
> the tools Makefile. Not sure if uuid-devel is needed elsewhere
> so it may be possible to disable that dependency rather than
> find/install the rpm's as above.
> 9) I found that building stubdom caused some problems when
> doing "make install" so I turned it off in the main Makefile.
> 10) make completed successfully (except for docs)
> 11) depmod
> 12) mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-
> The mkinitrd had a lot of errors but still generated the initrd. But
> after looking at the errors and build-linux-2.6-pvoops_x86_64/.config
> it appears that the default dom0 config file is missing a lot of
> important config options so I didn't even attempt to boot dom0.
> Things left to do:
> o Figure out a complete dom0 config file that works on RHEL6beta
You could try my .config files that are derived from Fedora 11/12/13:
Copy that as .config and do "make oldconfig"
> o Figure out all the options for mkinitrd
Does RHEL6 still use mkinitrd? I thought they switched to dracut.
> o Boot it!
> Other stuff:
> o Consider using a newer pvops git tree as RHEL6 is 2.6.32 (with
> a LOT of patches).
Yeah, it's better to use 2.6.32 based dom0 tree.
> o Consider figuring out a simpler partitioning than the default
> install in case all the devmapper stuff causes problems.
> o Ensure iptables is turned off (no option at install as RHEL5 has)
-- Pasi
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