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Re: [Xen-devel] Re: vt-d p7p55d evo: Success

To: Dietmar Hahn <dietmar.hahn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Re: vt-d p7p55d evo: Success
From: listmail <listmail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 09:04:46 -0400
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Dietmar Hahn wrote:
- How did it work.. did you have some issues?
the nv driver on linux works fine (as good as it can)
it takes a bit before you see VGA output on boot
Did you see any boot messages of the BIOS / grub
on the console device (with this gfx adapter) before the linux
kernel boot messages and the X11 screen?
No output only appeared some time after the kernel had already started. I wasn't sure what to expect here. Would there be any more useful information to provide?
the console cursor was positioned higher than normal (sitting at over the halfway mark for the font)
shutdown of Xorg can leave you with a blank console
shutdown then Restart of domU without restarting dom0 may lead to no VGA output, however you can still ssh in and startx (Xorg) and it will produce output
This is the same behavior as on my laptop where the copied VGA-BIOS not
works in the domU (beside no FLR - see flag FLReset-).

It is copied directly from the card just before domU starts right? I read something about that the card's bios can change after it first initialized when the computer starts, is there an option to test using a file based copy of the bios?
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