Re: [Xen-devel] HVM support to be removed from Debian Squeeze: call for
Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> Yes, there is.
> As a matter of fact we package qemu-xen in its own rpm on XCP, called
> xen-device-model.
> The qemu-xen XCP tree is available as a patchqueue against CS
> 284d056851f7 of qemu-xen-unstable.hg here:
> http://xenbits.xen.org/xapi/qemu-xen-3.4.pq.hg
> you might be interested in the spec file: mk/xen-device-model.spec.in.
> However I don't suggest using the qemu-xen XCP tree because the last few
> patches in the patchqueue require changes in the toolstack or other
> patches in the xen tree available on XCP but not available on plain
> unpatched systems.
Our target should be Xen 3.4 in Debian, ATM. If you don't suggest to use
the qemu from XCP, which one should I use?
Do you think we should call the Debian package xen-device-model as well
(and not xen-hvm-support as I suggested...)?
P.S: Form now on, I'll be writing only to the xen-devel@xxxxxxx list for
this thread, please do the same for future messages.
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