Re: [Xen-devel] Migrate linux to run on Xen
On 11/18/09 21:06, limin.hust wrote:
> Recently i was studying the case, for example:
> (1)linux is running on the native hardware
> (2)suspend linux to ram
> (3)fast boot Xen with kexec system call(without hardware reset)
> (4)resume the linux from the suspended linux image.
> I have known how to do the fisrt three steps, but the last and i think
> is the hardest, i still can't figure out how to deal with it.
> Is there any suggestions to my case, i would really appreciate that.
This is difficult because Linux will get very confused if its apparent
hardware platform changes spontaneously under it. Assuming you start it
as an HVM domain, all the hardware will change from the native hosts to
the qemu emulated hardware (which is almost certainly not like your
physical hardware).
You might be able to get it to work by somehow arranging that the kernel
hot-unplug all its hardware before resume, then generating hot-plug
events for all the new hardware on resume, but I suspect that won't work
(for example, in-use can't be replaced on the fly like this).
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