RE: [Xen-devel] Several Issues about GPL Windows Driver
> Hey All
> Several Issuses I am NOT clear about GPL Windows Driver
> 1. In xennet, GPL Win Driver set the
> DPC to vCPU0 using KeSetTargetProcessorDpc().
> My quetions why we should do in this way, Any problem if I unset the
rx/tx DPC
> to vCPU0, just let OS to assign DPC to which vCPUs?
NDIS Dpc's only run on CPU 0. I think you'll find a lot of lock
contention if you make the DPC's run on all CPU's.
> 2. In xenpci, XenPci_DOP_BuildScatterGatherListButDontExecute() line
> line 756 gref = (grant_ref_t)GntTbl_GrantAccess(xpdd, 0, (ULONG)pfn,
> line 757 ASSERT(gref != INVALID_GRANT_REF);
> if there's NOT eough gref, there should be a crash, why NOT deal with
it like
> the way XenScsi_PutSrbOnRing() in xenscsi.c?
> line 614 if (shadow->req.seg[shadow->req.nr_segments].gref ==
> line 615 {
> line 616 return; /* better than crashing... */
> line 617 }
> At least, this will NOT crash the OS.
> Because when I use iperf do a test between two DomU (WINDOWS XP SP2)
on some
> Dom0.
> A:One DomU as iperf client
> iperf -c $(IP_SERVER) -i 1 -w 64k -l 1 -t 300
> another one as iperf server:
> B:iperf -s -P 1 -i 1 -w 64k -l 1
> In this way, I set iperf buffer length is 1 bytes.
> The Client crashes everytime!!!!
> The callstack of Client Windows is as following.
You posted that previously. Do you have a Windows 2003 setup you can
test with too? That way I could reproduce it and know if it will be
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