RE: [Xen-devel] how to read value from xenstore inside kernel
> Hi ,
> I have been trying to use to xenbus_read.
> I added the below code in netback.c , static void
net_tx_action(unsigned long
> unused) function.
> char * test;
> const char *nodename = "console";
> test = xenbus_read(XBT_NIL, nodename, "limit", NULL);
> It is compiling fine. But when the kernel is crashing at this point
> runtime.
> I expect to read the /local/domain/0/console/limit , which I am able
to read
> from shell using
> xenstore-read . Am I missing something ?
Not sure how much this helps, but you should not be re-reading from
xenbus every time a packet is sent. That would involve huge per-packet
overheads. You can read it initially and then set a 'watch' on the value
to get notified every time it changes.
Have you got a copy of the crash message?
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