On Wednesday 15 July 2009 14:35:37 Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jul 2009, Christoph Egger wrote:
> > The current approach works for Linux only.
> > NetBSD's base system is designed for cross-building.
> > My roadmap is to change the way how to build mini-os/stubdom
> > fundamentally:
> >
> > The new infrastructure I have in mind will allow to choose if you use
> > newlib, libz, lwip and pciutils or use the native libs from the
> > base system.
> >
> > Linux build will default to first, NetBSD build will default to latter
> > one.
> I like the idea, could you please explain with a little bit more details
> how the crossbuilding works on NetBSD?
The headers are in /usr/include. The arch-dependent headers are in
/usr/include/<arch>/. These are automatically included by the standard
The native libs are in /lib and in /usr/lib/. The libs for the other
architectures are in /usr/lib/<arch>/.
On x86, it is enough to specify -m64 or -m32 to tell gcc and its linker
if you want to build a binary for amd64 or i386.
If you want to build for other archs, you build a toolchain first which is
very easy with the build.sh script.
> Would it be possible to use NetBSD libc instead of newlib even on Linux?
It's not just to take the libc sources. You need the whole infrastructure
around it which would let you very likely end up in a half new linux
distribution. I don't think, this is what you want. :)
BTW: I don't mind if you want to port Xen to a VAX :-D
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