RE: [Xen-devel][PATCH] ioemu: ignore the arg of tapdisk
Yeah, that does seem to be the conclusion, but it's very wrong.
Let me try again to clear this up. The args in tapdisk problem has
NOTHING to do with blktap2. It was a change made for ioemu in 19346.
Since the first prefix "tap" means tapdisk, the second prefix is an oddly
structured hack to use some of the tapdisk infrastructure towards a new
end. Is anyone actually using this? If not, maybe we should cut it to
avoid the confusion-inducing clutter.
On Fri, 19 Jun 2009, Ian Jackson wrote:
Zhang, Yang writes ("RE: [Xen-devel][PATCH] ioemu: ignore the arg of tapdisk"):
hi Ian, If the patch is fine to you, can you help me to check in
it. Or else when use "tap:tapdisk:qcow2" which introduced by blktap2
at config file will raise error in qemu.
I thought the conclusion of the discussion was that the requirement to
specify `tap:tapdisk' was a bug in the blktap2 configuration
arrangements ?
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