Re: [Xen-devel] save image file format? and [RFC] tmem save/restore/migr
On 19/06/2009 00:25, "Dan Magenheimer" <dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> BTW, the HVM save records supplied by Xen to libxc _are_
>> self-identifying and extensible (and there's room in the header for a
>> version number, though by sticking to the principle of only
>> transferring
>> architectural state we've avoided the need to use it so far). But
>> they're just dropped into the stream after the memory pages and before
>> xend glues on the qemu record.
> Semi-related, does this mean that HVM live migrate
> is fully-compatible between versions of Xen, e.g.
> either way between a Xen 3.1 machine and a Xen 3.4
> machine and back again, even though new fields
> (TSS? EPT?) are in the save record?
No, that would be kind of hard since there may be new virtual hardware and
other interfaces we expose in newer versions of Xen which simply do not
exist in older versions. We only support migration to the same or newer
versions of Xen.
-- Keir
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