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[Xen-devel] [PATCH] re-enable blktap1 if blktap2 is disabled

This patch re-enables a useful blktap1 for users who disable blktap2. It removes tapdisk and blktapctrl from blktap2, both of which cause problems with blktap operation. In addition, this patch modifies xend to check for blktap2 installation. If the blktap2 driver isn't running (hopefully because the dom0 kernel option wasn't selected) we fall back to blktap.
Signed-off-by: Dutch Meyer <dmeyer@xxxxxxxxx>


On Thu, 18 Jun 2009, Zhang, Yang wrote:

Since the hotplug script for udev has been removed by c/s 19349, we need report
the hotplug-status while the corresponding tapdisk been create. Or else, It will
raise an error "hotplug script not working".

Signed-off-by: Yang Zhang <yang.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 112680f620bf tools/blktap2/daemon/tapdisk-daemon.c
--- a/tools/blktap2/daemon/tapdisk-daemon.c     Mon Jun 08 18:23:57 2009 +0100
+++ b/tools/blktap2/daemon/tapdisk-daemon.c     Thu Jun 18 11:32:15 2009 +0800
@@ -295,7 +295,10 @@ tapdisk_daemon_probe(struct xs_handle *x
        len = strsep_len(path, '/', 7);
        if (len < 0)
+       if (path[len] == '\0') {
+               xs_printf(xsh, path, "hotplug-status", "connected");
+               return;
+       }
        node = path + len + 1;

        if (!tapdisk_daemon_new_vbd_event(node))

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