Re: [Xen-devel] RE: R: [Xen-users] Xen 4.0 Feature Requests
On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 15:34 +0100, Robert Dunkley wrote:
> VDE2 looks good, Fast Spanning tree could be useful but any idea what
> sort of performance hit would be taken by using VDE2? Lets see if
> there is any developer feedback, personally I think Vlan tagging needs
> addressing at some point since current VLan implementations with Xen
> are quite complex (Eg. Creating multiple bridges) and still have
> limitations.
This sort of thing interests Solarflare, but in a more general way.
With Xen (and other virtualisation technologies) users often end up with
a set of bridges, v-switches, hardware switches, and now switches
(albeit limited in capabilities) in virtualisation-aware NICs. It would
be very useful to develop a control plane over all these devices to
allow them to be sensibly configured from a single point. I know there
are some people working on bits of this problem but bringing it all
together to work on Xen, using open APIs and protocols so that other
technologies could be easily integrated, would help a lot.
I'll add this to the list on the wiki, but would be happy to hear from
others if they have ideas on this topic.
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